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Caterpillar Truck Engine Troubleshooting Guide

已有 209 次阅读2024-4-4 10:11 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article covers Caterpillar 3406E, C-10, C-12, C-15, C-16 and C-18 truck engine troubleshooting

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1. Ensure that the ECM is the problem by first connecting a test ECM. This is a temporary connection. Hang the test ECM on the side of the engine. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Test ECM Mode".

2. If the test ECM repairs the problem, reconnect the suspect ECM. Verify that the problem returns when the suspect ECM is reconnected.

3. Select the ECM Replacement Feature under the
"Service/Copy Configuration"menu and load the parameters from the failed ECM.

4. Temporarily connect the new ECM by connecting both ECM connectors. Do not mount the ECM on the engine yet.

5. Flash program the personality module into thenew ECM if the personality module is not already installed. The new ECM is shipped with a blank personality module.

6. Use the ECM replacement feature on the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) in order to program the new ECM.

7. Enter the value for the "Rating Number"
parameter into the new ECM.

8. Check for active codes. Program any required parameters that have not been programmed.
Note: On initial powerup of a new ECM, the parameter "Rating Number"must be programmed to avoid activating a 253-02 Check Customer Or System Parameters.

9. If 22-13 Engine Speed Signal Calibration Not Performed is not active, install the new ECM on the engine. Otherwise, perform a timing calibration first.

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