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Removal of Isuzu Motors Front Disc Brake Assembly

已有 316 次阅读2024-3-25 10:05 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

his article introduces the disassembly of the front disc brake assembly of Isuzu vehicles

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Position jack stands under vehicle.

• Remove the wheel.

• Block vehicle wheels and apply the parking brake.

• Rise the axle to clear the tire from the ground.

Seal parts cannot be reused. When reassembling, be sure to replace with a new seal kit.
1. Flexible hose
2. Pin bolt (Lock pin side)
3. Caliper assembly
• Slide the caliper assembly free from the inside


1. Caliper Assembly

2. Support Assembly

3. Pin Bolt

4. Outer pad

5. Inner pad

6. Pad clips

7. Support assembly

• Remove the hub and disc before removing the support assembly.

8. Wind guide

• Remove the hub and disc before removing the wind guide.

9. Adapter


1. Place a piece of wood across the body assembly to prevent piston damage.

2. Apply approximately 196 kPa (2.0 kg/cm2 / 28.4 psi) of compressed air to the body assembly oil port to remove the pistons.

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1. All parts for wear distortion or other conditions and

replace as needed.

2. Inner and outer pads.

• Use a vernier caliper to measure the inner pad and outer pad thickness.

• If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the pads must be replaced with the repair pad kit.

3. Piston and Cylinder Clearance.

• Use a micrometer to measure the piston diam- eter.

• Use an inside dial indicator to measure the cyl- inder bore.

• Calculate the piston and cylinder bore clear- ance.

• If the clearance exceeds the specified limit, the piston and/or the body assembly must be re- placed along with the repair seal kit.\

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1. Piston Seal

• Be sure to use a new seal ring.

• Apply rubber grease to the piston seal. The rub- ber grease is included in the seal kit.

• Install the piston seal to the cylinder bore groove.


1. Piston Seal

2. Body Assembly

2. Piston and Piston Boot

• Apply brake oil to the piston outer circumfer- ence.

• Use a hand vise to install the pistons to the cyl- inder.

• Apply special grease to the piston.

This will prevent cylinder and piston corrosion. • Use a new piston boot.

Do not confuse the front and rear sides of the


Carefully press the insert portion of the boot into the cylinder body groove. Be sure that the insertion depth is uniform.

• Install the piston boot inner lip to the piston


Handle the piston boot carefully.


1. Piston

2. Body Assembly

3. Hand Vise


1. Piston Boot

2. Body Assembly

3. Cylinder Body Groove

4. Boot Insert Portion

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