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Removal and Installation Instructions for Isuzu Truck Brake Pedal Assembly

已有 441 次阅读2024-3-20 06:35 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article describes the removal and installation of the Isuzu truck brake pedal assembly

ISUZU IDSS MX2-T Diagnostic Adapter System Support G-IDSS/US-IDSS/E-IDSS(Included DHL Shipping )


1. Meter cluster

2. Meter

3. Instrument panel and duct

4. Heat protector

5. Steering wheel and column assembly 

6. ATF pipe

7. Brake pipe and hose

8. Brake pedal assembly with master cylinder and hydraulic booster

• Block the vehicle wheels and apply the parking brake.

• Disconnect the battery ground cable.

• By brake pedal operation with the engine off, re- duce the pressure of the hydraulic oil in the accu- mulator, and after confirming that the temperature of the hydro boost assembly has been reduced, re- move the hydro boost assembly from the vehicle.

1. Remove meter cluster.

2. Remove meter assembly and harness connector.

3. Remove instrument panel assembly and ventila- tion duct.

4. Remove heat protector under the hydraulic boost- er.

5. Steering wheel and column assembly.

• Remove inspection window and mark steering worm shaft and U-joint yoke.

Remove key bolt and nut.

• Remove screws: boots to floor.

• Remove bolts and nuts: support bracket to floor.

• Remove bolts: steering column bracket to in- strument reinforcement assembly.

• Remove bolts: steering column bracket to brake pedal bracket.

6. ATF pipe: inlet and outlet.

• Disconnect pipes from the booster.

7. Brake pipe and hose: front and rear.

• Disconnect pipes and hoses from the brake master cylinder.

8. Brake pedal assembly with master cylinder and hy- draulic booster.

• Remove accelerator pedal bracket.

• Remove brake pedal assembly mounting bolts.

• Remove radiator grille and disconnect ATF in- let pipe from flexible hose in front of the radia- tor.

Remove ATF inlet pipe.

• Remove brake pedal assembly.
04.2023 ISUZU E-IDSS Diagnostic Software Download and Installation Service


1. Brake Pedal Assembly with Master Cylinder and Hydraulic Booster

• Set ATF inlet pipe and install brake pedal as- sembly.

ISUZU G-IDSS Diagnostic Service System 10.2023 Download and Installation Service

M10 mounting bolts to 42 N ⋅ m (4.3 kg ⋅ m / 32 lb ⋅ft)

• Connect ATF inlet pipe with flexible hose.

• Install accelerator pedal bracket.

• Install radiator grille.

2. ATF Pipe
• Install ATF pipes to hydraulic booster.

3. Brake Pipe and Hose

• Install master cylinder hydraulic lines to master cylinder.

4. Steering Wheel and Column Assembly

• Set steering wheel and column assembly.
• Install mounting bolts, nuts and screws to body.
• Install key bolt and nut.
Key bolt to 38 N ⋅ m (3.9 kg ⋅ m / 28 lb ⋅ft)
• Install inspection window.

5. Heat Protector

• Install hydraulic booster heat protector.

6. Instrument Panel and Duct

• Install ventilation duct and instrument panel as- sembly.

7. Meter

• Install meter assembly and harness connector.

8. Meter CIuster

• Install meter cluster.

9. Battery ground cable.

10. After attaching it to the vehicle, always replenish with new hydraulic oil (Besco ATF Ill), and com-

pletely release the air from the hydro boost.

11. Bleed brake lines.

12. Release the parking brake and remove the wheel blocks.

11.2023 ISUZU US-IDSS Diagnostic Service II Truck Diagnostic System Download and Installation







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