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DoosanDX340LC Crawler Excavator Cabin Installation Guide

已有 590 次阅读2024-3-18 03:03 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

this article mainly introduces the  installation of the doosanDX340LC crawler excavator cabin

2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software

1. Using a suitable lifting device, attach slings to four lift

points on top of cabin (Figure 7).

NOTE: Cabin weighs approximately 290 kg (639 lb).

2. Lower cabin into position on cabin floor.

3. Install four mounting nuts on four corners of cabin floor (2, Figure 9).
NOTE: Mounting nut torque 20.2 kg•m (146 ft lb)
4. Install four hex bolts (3, Figure 9) in door side of cabin floor.
5. Install two hex bolts (1, Figure 9) in right side of cabin floor and one bolt (4) in front of cabin floor.

Doosan Diagnostic Tool UVIM Support Doosan Excavators High Quality
Quantity Description
4 16 mm hex nuts at each corner of the
4 10 mm x 1.5 hex bolts at the door side
of the cabin.
3 10 mm x 1.5 mm hex head bolts, 2 on
the right side of the cabin and 1 under
the front window.
6. Once cabin is mounted to floor, unhook lifting device. 7. Connect cabin ground cable (7, Figure 2).
8. Connect cabin light wiring connector.
9. Install stereo assembly with bolts (2, Figure 10) after connecting speaker and antenna wires

10. Install right side dash cover (4, Figure 11) with bolts (1, Figure 10).

11. Install left side dash cover (3, Figure 11) with bolts (1, Figure 10). Install two rubber stops (2, Figure 11).

12. Install cover (5, Figure 11) on left side dash cover (3).

NOTE: Connect speaker wire before installing cover.

13. Connect washer hose at floor plate bottom.

14. Install air duct (3, 2 and 1, Figure 12) at right side of cabin.

15. Install side panel (6, Figure 13) and pocket (5).
16. Install cover (4, Figure 13) and connect main harness. Install cover (3). Connect hour meter connector and cigar
lighter connector of cover (2).
17. Install cover (2, Figure 13).
18. Install operator's seat (1, Figure 13).

NOTE: Be careful not to damage seat covering. 19. Install floor mat.
20. Connect negative (-) battery cable leading to frame from battery.

NOTE: Connect wire connector of duct (2, Figure 12).
Doosan Diagnostic Tool DDT G2 SCAN( ECU ,DCU)Software 2016







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