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Removing TAD1240Cylinder Series Head Guide

已有 351 次阅读2024-3-9 10:42 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article introduces removing TAD1240Cylinder series head

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IMPORTANT! Strict cleanliness must be
observed when working on the cylinder head.
Dirt particles in the fuel passages could cause
breakdown or malfunction of the unit injectors.
Special tools: 9993590, 9996966, 9998249, 9998251,
9998255, 9998264, 9998511, 9998629
Prior conditions:
Fuel and coolant drained. See instructions in the Service Manual.
Turn off the power by means of the main switch (switches) and check that no current is supplied to the

2 Undo the clamp at the turbocharger and remove the air
cleaner from the bracket.

3, Remove the lower charge air pipe by the turbocharger.

4 Remove the charge air pipe from between the turbocharger and the charge air cooler.

Remove the oil pipes from the turbocharger.
NOTE: Exercise care so that dirt particles do not enter the connections to the turbocharger.

5 Remove the turbocharger.

6 Remove the rear protective plate and front heat shield
from the cylinder head.

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7 Remove the exhaust manifold

8   Remove the water pipe between the thermostat housing and coolant pump.

9  Remove the thermostat housing and take out the thermostat

10  Remove the overflow valve and fuel connection.
    Remove the overflow valve

11  Remove the strap and remove the charge air temperature sensor/charge pressure sensor from the inlet manifold.

12  Remove the charge air pipe between the inlet manifold
and charge air cooler.

13   Remove the cover from the wiring box.

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14  Remove the intermediate bracket.

15  Remove the fuel connection and temperature sensor.

16  Remove the inlet manifold.
NOTE: The inlet manifold may be difficult to remove
because the sealing compound may have hardened.

17  Remove the radiator assembly, see “Group 26, Radiator element, changing

18    Remove the protective plates round the drive belts.

19  3 (TWD)
Remove the radiator fan (six studs) and the drive belt.

20   See "Group 26, Drive belts, changing". Remove the spacer and pulley

21  Remove the clamps and camshaft position sensor (1).

22   Remove the radiator fan drive.

23   Undo the clamps and pull away the hose between the
pipes to the crankcase breather.

24   Detach the water pipe from the coolant pump and radiator hose connectio

25   Remove the upper radiator hose connection from the
cylinder head.

26  Remove the front engine lifting bracket.

27  Remove the valve cover.
NOTE: Do not use air-assisted tools when removing
the valve cover as this could damage the unit injector
wiring harness.

28   Fit turning tool 9993590
in the flywheel housing.
NOTE: Do not forget to remove turning tool 9993590
from the flywheel housing and refit the cover.

29  Rotate the flywheel until the piston in cylinder 1 is at
top dead center 0° on the flywheel and the camshaft
marking (TDC) is between the marks on the bearing

30   Remove the upper timing cover.
NOTE: One of the upper timing cover retaining bolts
also secures the radiator fan drive.

31    Remove the toothed wheel.

32   Remove the camshaft gear (1). Use a puller if necessary

33  Remove the supply of lubricating oil for the rocker arm

34   Undo the rocker arm bridge retaining bolts evenly over
the entire bridge to avoid uneven stress.
Lift away the rocker arm bridge using lifting tool
IMPORTANT! To avoid injury and material damage, the rocker arm bridge should be lifted away
by two persons if no lifting device is available.
The rocker arm bridge weighs about 27 kg (60

35  Check that the camshaft bearing caps are factory
marked 1-7 against the relevant bearing bracket. Loosen the camshaft bearing caps by tapping them carefully with a plastic mallet.
NOTE: The camshaft bearing caps are held in place
with guide pins

36   Lift the camshaft away using lifting tool 9998264.
WARNING! Bear in mind that the camshaft
cams are extremely sharp.
IMPORTANT! To avoid injury and material damage the camshaft should be lifted away by at
least two persons if no lifting device is available.
The camshaft weighs about 35 kg (77 lbs).

37   Take out the lower bearing halves by tapping the bearing brackets carefully with a plastic mallet.
Remove the bearing brackets and place them in the
right order together with their respective camshaft bearing caps, bearing halves and bolts.
NOTE: The camshaft bearing brackets are held in place with guide pins.

Lift away the valve yokes between the inlet valves
and exhaust valves for all cylinders. Place them in the
right order for the respective cylinder.

39  Detach the electrical connections from the unit injectors and cut the straps on the wiring.
IMPORTANT! Exercise care when handling the
unit injectors as they can easily sustain damage
if the nuts are cross-threaded or tightened too

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40   Remove the wiring bracket on the cylinder head and
carefully withdraw the unit injector wiring harness.
NOTE! The wiring harness cannot be taken apart at
the wiring bracket but must be carefully withdrawn as
a complete unit.

41   Remove all studs.

42   Remove the retaining yoke bolts on all unit injectors.
Remove the retaining yoke bolts on all unit injectors.

43  Remove the unit injectors one at a time using tool
9998511. Carefully prise under the unit injector until it
loosens. Fit protective sleeve 9998249 on the unit injectors.
IMPORTANT! Do NOT remove all unit injectors
at the same time but remove them one by one
as each protective plug is fitted in place.
Place the unit injectors where they cannot be damaged.

44  Fit protective plug 9998251 in the hole for the unit injector in the cylinder head.
IMPORTANT! Utmost cleanliness is demanded.
Remove all cylinder head bolts.
Wipe up the engine oil that has collected in the
“bowls” under the camshaft. The oil could otherwise
run down into the coolant passages when the cylinder
head is lifted away.

Fit four lifting eyes 9998629 and attach lifting straps.
Carefully lift away the cylinder head

48  Fit press tool 9996966 on the cylinder liners so that
they are not dislodged from their positions if the
crankshaft is rotated.

Remove the seals.
Thoroughly clean the contact surface on the cylinder
IMPORTANT! Make sure that no residual sealant or dirt particles can enter the coolant and oil







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