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Disassembly instructions for Carter 325, 320L, 320N, and 320S control valves

已有 778 次阅读2024-3-8 10:41 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article mainly introduces the disassembly of Carter 325, 320L, 320N, and 320S control valves

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 1. Disassembly of control valve When disassembling, mark the parts for easy assembly, and seal the control valve port with a cover or fabric to prevent dust from entering. Prevent the machined surface of the control valve from being scratched to avoid leakage.

1. Disassembly of control valve When disassembling, mark the parts for easy assembly, and seal the control valve port with a cover or fabric to prevent dust from entering. Prevent the machined surface of the control valve from being scratched to avoid leakage. 


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   1. Disassembly of the valve column 

 ① Remove the bolts and remove the cover. The bolt's distance from edge to edge is 8mm. 

 ② Remove the spring and valve stem together. 

 ③ As shown in Figure 4-8, use a special tool clamp to remove the valve column cap. When using the clamp ring, remove the oil on the valve stem and tighten the clamp ring. 

④ Remove the O-ring on the valve body.  

2. Remove the baffle Loosen the bolts and remove the baffle and O-ring. 

 3. Remove the check valve

  ① After removing the check valve caps of stick 1, stick 1I, bucket 1, bucket 11, and boom 11, remove the check valve spring and valve core. The distance from edge to edge of the bonnet is 12 mm. Note: Do not mix the parts to facilitate assembly. 

② Use a magnetic rod to take out the lower valve core and spring. 

 ③ Remove the check valve of boom 1, and remove the spring and check valve spool from the housing. After removing the valve cap, use the push and pull method to remove the valve sleeve. The distance from edge to edge of the bonnet is 10mm. NOTE: O-rings and back-up rings do not need to be removed unless replaced. When disassembling, a copper rod with an outer diameter of 415 to φ18 should be used. 

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