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How to Disassemble and Disassemble a Doosan Engine Starter Motor

已有 364 次阅读2024-1-29 00:15 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

 This article explains how to disassemble and disassemble a doosan engine starter motor


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1. Disconnect the negative (-) cable of the battery first


. 2. Remove the wires from the electromagnetic switch assembly. 

 3. Remove the mounting bolts of the starter motor (Figure 2, (1)). Remove the starter motor from the flywheel housing.


  Disassembly of starter motor 1. Loosen the M8 nut on the electromagnetic switch (solenoid) (Figure 3). Disconnect the wires from the solenoid switch.

 2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software

 2. Remove the two M4 bolts (Figure 4, (1)). These two bolts are used to lock the rear end cover (Figure, (2)) and the carbon brush holder assembly. (image 3)). 

 3. Remove the two M5 through-bolts (Figure 4, (4)). Separate the rear end cover (Fig. 4, (2)), field coil (Fig. 4, (5)) including armature assembly (Fig. 4, (6)) from the gear seat (Fig. 4, (7)) .  



4. Use a pick to take out the brush holder spring. At the negative pole (-) side, use the brush holder spring to contact the brush and lift it up from the commutator surface; at the positive pole (+), remove the brush from the brush holder (Figure 5, (1)).  

5. Remove the brush holder assembly (Figure 6, (1)) from the armature assembly (Figure 6, (3)). 6. Take out the armature assembly (Figure 6, (3)) and separate it from the magnetic field coil assembly (Figure 6, (2)).


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7. Remove the two M6 bolts (Figure 7, (1)). These two bolts are used to fix the electromagnetic switch assembly (Figure 7, (2)) and the gear seat. Remove the electromagnetic switch assembly, dust cover (Figure 7, (3)) and torsion spring (Figure 7, (4)) from the gear seat.



8. Remove the dust cover (Figure 8, (3)) and lever from the gear seat (Figure 8, (4)).


9. Remove the three M4 bolts from the bearing seat (Figure 9, (2)) (Figure 9, (1)).  

10. Remove the pinion clutch assembly from the bearing seat (Fig. 9, (3)).




   11. Use a "1" screwdriver to pry off the stop ring (Figure 10, (1)) from the pinion shaft.




 12. Remove the pinion stop block (Fig. 11, (3)) and return spring (Fig. 11, (4)), pinion clutch assembly (Fig. 11, (1) and pinion shaft (Fig. 11, (5)).









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