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How to Solve the Problem of BMW Stalling After Starting

已有 531 次阅读2023-11-20 09:05 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

how to solve the problem of BMW 318i stalling after starting


  (1) Fault symptoms The chassis model of this car is E46, equipped with an M43 engine. The fault 

symptoms are as follows: After starting the engine, the engine shakes seriously and cannot keep 


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  (2) Diagnosis and maintenance: Connect the diagnostic instrument for self-diagnosis. The engine 

system has multiple fault codes, but the information of these fault codes is not directly related to the 

fault symptoms. Cleared the fault code and tried driving, but the fault persisted. Query the fault 

information again and there is no fault code. Removed the spark plug and found that there was a lot of 

carbon deposits on the electrode. Replaced 4 spark plugs, problem still persists. Measure the fuel 

pressure and it can reach 380kPa at startup, which is normal. Unplug the wiring harness plug of the 

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injector and connect the test light. The test light flashes when starting, indicating that the control The 

line is good. After removing the four fuel injectors, it was found that they were all seriously clogged 

and had cotton-like debris inside. Remove the fuel filter and find that the internal filter element has 

been broken, indicating that the cotton-like debris is formed by the broken paper filter element. After 

replacing the fuel filter, cleaning the fuel lines and injectors, and testing the car, the fault was alleviated.

 However, as the engine temperature increased, the jitter symptoms became more and more serious, 


the three-way catalytic converter burned dark red. After replacing 4 injectors, the engine would not 

start. The cylinder pressure was measured and the results showed that the cylinder pressure of 2 

cylinders was seriously insufficient. Remove the cylinder head, remove carbon deposits, grind the 

valves, reassemble and test run to completely eliminate the fault. 

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 (3) Summary: The car has been driving at low speed in the city for a long time, and the engine cannot 

reach the self-cleaning temperature, forming a large amount of carbon deposits. In addition, the fuel 

filter is not replaced regularly, the filter element is broken, causing pipeline pollution, and the fuel 

injector is scrapped. This illustrates the importance of proper vehicle use and regular maintenance.







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