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How to solve the problem of diesel engine not catching fire, not running smoothl

已有 653 次阅读2023-11-16 22:38 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

How to solve the problem of diesel engine not catching fire, not running smoothly or unstable . Cause of failure
Diesel engine Carter excavator 3126B diesel engine does not catch fire, runs smoothly and is unstable. How to solve the problem and the cause of the failure

 (1) There is a fault code. 

 (2) The connector is unreliable and incorrect. 

 (3) Operating in cold mode. 

 (4) The signal from the low idle position to the high idle position is unstable. 

 (5) The fuel injection drive pressure is abnormal. 

 (6) The fuel injector does not work. 

 (7) The fuel system is faulty.  

(8) The air intake and exhaust systems are faulty.


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2. Troubleshooting 

 If the fault occurs only under certain operating conditions (high idle speed, full load, high engine

operating temperature, etc.), then test the diesel engine under these conditions. 

 (1) Check whether there is a fault code on the ET. Troubleshoot and troubleshoot all fault codes before

 continuing with this procedure. 

 (2) Check whether the ECM connectors J1/P1 and J2/P2 and the injector connector are installed 

correctly. Please refer to Section 11.4 of this chapter. 

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 (3) Use ET to check whether the diesel engine has left the cold mode. Operating in cold mode can 

cause the diesel engine to run erratically and limit diesel engine power. 

 (4) Monitor the throttling signal on ET. Check whether the throttle signal is stable from the low idle position to the high idle position. 

 (5) Check the injection drive pressure, please refer to Section 6.3. 

 (6) Check the fuel system, please refer to Section 6.4 of this section. 

 (7) Check the air filter clogging indicator. Clean or replace clogged air filter. 

 (8) Check whether the air intake and exhaust systems are blocked and/or leaking.







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