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How to Measure the Travel Motor of Caterpillar Excavator (measurement of fuel ta

已有 521 次阅读2023-11-14 06:05 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

How to measure the travel motor of Carter 320C excavator (measurement of fuel tank discharge volume)
The tools required for the test of the turntable motor (measurement of oil discharge from the oil tank) are: 6V-9830 cap and container for measurement. 
 (1) Turn off the engine. 
 (2) Release the pressure of the hydraulic system, refer to the "Pressure Relief of the Hydraulic System" section.  
(3) As shown in Figure 2-3-198, separate the fuel tank drain hose 1 and the tee pipe 2. Place the open end of the fuel tank drain hose 1 into the measuring container. 
 (4) Install the 6V-8398 O-shaped sealing ring and 6V-983 cover on the turntable tee 2. 
(5) As shown in Figure 2-3-199, separate connector 3 from the solenoid valve of turntable parking brake 4. 
 (6) Start the engine. 
 (7) Set the machine control volume as follows: the engine tachometer is set to 10, and the AEC switch is set to OFF. Refer to the "Engine Performance Test" section for setting the engine speed per minute. 
 (8) Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to (55 ±5)°C. 
 (9) Pull the left travel lever fully forward and stay for 1 minute. 
 (10) Measure the oil discharge volume of the box.  
(11) Remove the track block assembly 2 from the sprocket 1. 
 (12) Pull the left travel control lever to reset the travel motor.  
(13) Place the track block assembly 2 in the sprocket 1 to prevent forward and left travel. 

 (14) Repeat steps (9) ~ (13) to obtain the measured values of the oil discharge volume of the three 
tanks. When the main safety valve pressure is set at (34300 ± 490) kPa and the travel crossover safety valve pressure is set at (36800 ± 1470) kPa, the maximum tank oil discharge volume that can be tolerated: the new travel motor is 15L/min, The rebuilt travel motor is 18L/min.







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