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How to Troubleshoot the Problem That the Coolant Temperature of the Excavator's

已有 373 次阅读2023-11-12 21:58 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

1. Cause of failure  

(1) The radiator fins are dirty, debris or damaged. 

 (2) Insufficient coolant. 

 (3) The radiator cap or pressure relief valve is damaged.  

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(4) There is air in the cooling system.

 (5) The cooling fan is not working properly and the fan belt is too loose.  

(6) The thermostat is damaged. 

 (7) The cooling system pipeline is blocked or leaking. 

 (8) The coolant temperature gauge is damaged. 

 (9) The water pump impeller is damaged or corroded.

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(1) Visually inspect the cooling system for broken hoses or other throttling components. 

 (2) Check the radiator fins for dirt, debris and damage. Remove dirt and debris, clean and flush the radiator, and straighten any bent fins. 

 (3) Check the coolant level and add coolant if necessary.

  (4) Check whether the cooling system is leaking and repair the leaking area immediately. 

 (5) Check the cooling system pressure. 

 (6) Check the pressure relief valve and radiator cap. Clean and replace parts if necessary. 

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 (7) Check whether the seat surface of the pressure safety valve and the radiator cover are clean and damaged. 

 (8) Check whether there is combustion gas in the cooling system and whether there are bubbles in the coolant. If there are bubbles, combustion gases may have entered the cooling system.  

(9) Check whether the cooling fan is working normally. Check that the belt and pump are working properly.  

(10) Check whether the thermostat is operating correctly. If necessary, replace the thermostat.  

(11) Compare the coolant temperature reading from the ET to the coolant temperature reading from the mechanical measuring instrument. 

(12) Check whether the water pump impeller is damaged or corroded. Repair or replace water pump if necessary.  

(13) Check whether the fault is caused by system overload, reduce the load and check whether the condition recurs.

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