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How to Deal with The Oil Leakage Problem of Doosan Excavator Cylinder Oil Seal

已有 531 次阅读2023-11-4 07:53 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

How to deal with the oil leakage problem of doosanDH220LC-V excavator cylinder oil seal

  Doosan Diagnostic Tool UVIM Support Doosan Excavators High Quality

Applicable to all models 

  Phenomenon: The oil seal of the hydraulic cylinder leaks oil and causes serious pollution. 

1. Inspection essentials: disassemble and inspect the oil seal of the cylinder and analyze the damage of the oil seal:  

 A The oil seal is blackened, loses elasticity, and is severely carbonized. 


 2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software


  B. The oil seal has one or several scratches, and oil leaks from the scratches. 

  C. The oil seal circumference is damaged in a large area, and the cylinder rod is seriously scratched.



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2. Reason A. The air in the cylinder is not evacuated before operation, and high temperature is generated under the action of high pressure, resulting in carbonization of the oil seal. 

  B. There are debris particles in the cylinder, which will scratch the oil seal and cylinder rod.

  C. The oil seal is damaged due to severe scratches on the cylinder rod.

3·Processing method: 

  A. Replace the oil seal; avoid violent and large-scale operations before the oil cylinder moves, and try to exhaust the air in the cylinder rod as much as possible. 

  B. Replace the oil seal with a new one to ensure the quality of the hydraulic oil and keep the hydraulic system clean. 

  C. Replace the scratched cylinder rod and oil seal.







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