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How to Remove and Install Isuzu Excavator Fuel Injector

已有 721 次阅读2023-9-1 05:06 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Here we take the removal and installation of No. 1 injector as an example. The same steps can be used for other cylinder injectors. Special care is required when handling fuel injectors. The tip of the nozzle is particularly delicate, and bumping the nozzle or wiping it with a grease rag can cause the hole to become clogged. Moreover, the injector wiring harness uses a high-voltage wiring harness, so the battery terminals must be removed before work. The removed high-pressure pipelines, seals and gaskets cannot be reused and must be replaced with new ones. 

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 ① Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (1 in Figure 4-55), and then remove the battery negative terminal cable (2 in Figure 4-55). NOTE: When removing the terminals and wiring harness, keep them in a safe place to avoid mutual interference and open flames. Also, cover with a rubber cap to prevent sparks from entering.


② Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolt (3 in Figure 4-56), and then remove the dipstick pipe (4 in Figure 4-56). NOTE: Cover lines with caps and cocks to prevent water, dust or dirt from entering. Clean lines with a spray of parts cleaner to prevent scratches and remove accumulated dust from fittings. ③ Use clamps to loosen the hose tie, and then remove the bypass hose (5 in Figure 4-57). NOTE: Cover hoses and lines with caps and stopcocks to prevent water, dust, or dirt from entering.

 Isuzu G-IDSS Diagnostic Service System 06.2023 Download and Installation Service ④ Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolt (No. 6 in Figure 4-58) on the hose clamp (No. 7 in Figure 4-58). ⑤ Use a wrench (12mm) to remove the 9 bolts (8 in Figure 4-59) and 2 nuts (9 in Figure 4-59) on the cylinder head cover (10 in Figure 4-59), and then remove the cylinder head cover.

⑥ Remove the connector (11 in Figure 4-60). ⑦ Use a wrench (7mm) to remove the 2 nuts (13 in Figure 4-61) at each terminal position of the 4 injectors.


7.2023 ISUZU US-IDSS Diagnostic Service II Truck Diagnostic System Download and Installation
⑧ Loosen 3 bolts (12 in Figure 4-61) with a wrench (14mm), and then remove the harness bracket (14 in Figure 4-61). Note : When removing nuts, loosen the same amount each time to remove all nuts at the same time.  

 ⑨ Use a wrench (12mm, 17mm) to remove 5 bolts (15 and 16 in Figure 4-62) and 5 washers (17 and 18 in Figure 4-62), and then remove the nozzle oil outlet pipe (Figure 4-62 19). 

 ⑩ Use a wrench (10mm) to remove the bolt (20 in Figure 4-63) on the pipe clamp (23 in Figure 4-63).

  ⑪ Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the sleeve nut (21 in Figure 4-63) on the injector side pipeline

  ⑫ Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the sleeve nut (22 in Figure 4-63) on the common rail side pipeline. NOTE: Cover lines with caps and cocks to prevent water, dust or dirt from entering. Clean lines with a spray of parts cleaner to prevent scratches and remove accumulated dust from fittings.

11.2022 ISUZU E-IDSS Diagnostic Software Download and Installation Service
 ⑬Use a "TORX" Torx wrench (T40) to remove the bolts (24 in Figure 4-64) on the injector clamp (26 in Figure 4-64). 

 ⑭Remove the fuel injector (25 in Figure 4-64). 

 ⑮If it is difficult to remove the fuel injector (29 in Figure 4-65), use the fuel injector removal tool (28 in Figure 4-65). Install the fuel injector removal tool on the fuel injection pipe connection part, connect the slide hammer (27 in Figure 4-65) at the same time, and then remove the fuel injector.

 a. Slide hammer. ISUZU part number: 5-8840-0019-0.

  b. Injector removal tool. ISUZU part number: 5-8840-2826. ISUZU LinkOne EPC CSS-Net 05.2020







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