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Carter 325C Excavator Engine No Diagnosis Code Fault and Troubleshooting

已有 538 次阅读2023-6-8 04:06 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Carter 325C Excavator Engine No Diagnosis Code Fault and Troubleshooting

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  1. Alternator failure (charging problem) 

 NOTE: This is not an electronic system problem. 

 (1) Possible reasons. 

 1) Alternator drive belt. 

 2) Charging circuit. 

 3) Regulator. 4) Alternator.  

 (2) Recommended measures. 

 1) Alternator drive belt. 

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 ① Check the condition of the alternator drive belt and replace it if it is worn or damaged. 

 ② Check the tension of the alternator drive belt. Adjust this tension if necessary. 

 2) Charging circuit. Check the battery cables, leads and connectors in the charging circuit. Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Replace all scrapped parts. 

 3) Alternator or regulator. Check that the alternator or regulator is working properly. Repair the alternator or replace the regulator if necessary. 

 2. Alternator failure (noise control) 

 NOTE: This is not an electronic system problem. 

 (1) Possible reasons. 

 1) Alternator drive belt. 

 2). Alternator drive pulley. 

 3) Alternator bearings. 

 (2) Recommended measures. 

 1) Alternator drive belt.  

① Check the condition of the alternator drive belt. If the alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, it should be replaced. 

 ② Check the tension of the alternator drive belt. Adjust this tension if necessary. 

 ③ Make sure the alternator drive belt is properly aligned. Check for broken or worn alternator mounting brackets. Repair or replace the alternator mounting bracket to ensure proper alignment of the alternator drive belt and alternator drive pulley.  

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2) Alternator drive pulley. Loosen the nut on the alternator drive pulley and tighten the nut to the correct torque. 

 3) Alternator bearings. Check the alternator bearings for wear. Repair or replace the alternator if necessary. 

 3. Battery NOTE: This may not be an electronic system issue. (1) Possible reasons. 1) Bad battery. 2) Auxiliary equipment will consume the battery. (2) Recommended measures. 1) Bad battery. ① Check whether the battery can no longer continue to charge. ②Replace the battery. 2) Auxiliary equipment. ① Check if the auxiliary equipment is draining the battery due to being left in the ON position. ②Charge the battery. ③ Check whether the battery can continue to charge.







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