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How to Update the Rocker Mechanism for Volvo MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Engi

已有 1755 次阅读2023-3-12 20:59 分享到微信

 VOLVO MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Engine Renovating the Rocker Mechanism


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1. MD2O10, MD2020, MD2030: Remove the screws
   . at the front and rear of the rocker shaft.
   MD2040: Screw in a M8 screw in the threaded hole
   in the front edge of the rocker shaft. Fix the screw
   head in a vice and pull out the rocker shaft (alt. a
   withdrawing tool can be used

2. Dismantle the rocker mechanism. Remove the
rockers, springs and washers.
3. Clean the parts. Observe special care with the
rocker shaft's oil channels and oil holes in the rock er

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4. Check the wear on the rocker shaft with a microme ter (Fig. 26). Diameter min. 11.57 mm (.44555 in).

5. Check that the rocker bearing surfaces are not out of-round worn.
Calculate the clearance between the rocker and
shaft. The clearance must not exceed 0.2 mm
(.0078 in).
Check that the ball pin's spherical part is not defor med or worn. The threads should be undamaged
on the pin and lock nut. The locknut should be in
good condition.
The mating sphere of the rockers (against the val ve) must not be unevenly worn or concave. Adjust ment for minor wear can be made in a grinding
Note: MD2O10-2030. A new type of rocker (includ i ng valve cap) has been introduced as from engine
MD2010: 5101202984
MD2020: 5101308898
M D2030: 5101465653
Only the new type of rocker is available as a spare
part. If one or several of the older type of rocker
need to be replaced, all the rockers must be re placed at once, and valve caps installed on the
valve stems.

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6. Oil in the rocker mechanism and fit the different







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