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VOLVO MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Motor Slipning av ventiler och ventilsäten
1. Använd en ventilfjäderspännare och demontera ventillåset.
Ta bort ventilfjäderbrickorna,
fjädrarna och aloe. Placera delarna i rätt
ordning i ett ventilställ. Ta bort ventilskaftstätningarna
2. Rengör delen
Volvo Vodia Penta 2018 [5.2.5] Diagnostic Software
3. Kontrollera slitaget på ventilspindeln Mät
diametern med en mikrometer vid punkterna I, II och III enligt
Fig. 18.
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4. Grind the valves in a valve grinding machine
Grind the sealing surface as little as possible, just
so that it is "clean". If the the valve disc edge after
grinding is less than 0.5 mm (.019 in) the valve
should be scrapped (see Fig. 19). The same applies to valves with crooked valve spindles
5. Check the wear on the valve guides (see "Checki ng of valve guides") before the valve seats are
6. Ream or grind the valve seats (Fig. 20). Grind of
j ust enough material so that the valve seat has the
right shape and a good mating surface.
Replace the valve seat when the distance "A" in Fig. 21,
measured with a new valve, exceeds 1.8 mm (.0708 in).
For replacement of the valve seat (inlet) see previous
New seats are grind down so that the distance between the cylinder head plane and the valve disc
surface "A" is:
MD2O10, MD2020: 0.70-0.90 mm (.0275-.0354 in)
MD2030, MD2040 : 0.85-1.15 mm (.0334-.0452 in)
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7. Grind in the valves with grinding paste and check
the contact with marker dye
8. Fit the seals, valves, valve springs, spring washers,
valve lock and valve caps. See "Assembly of cylinder head" on page 31.