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John Deere engines Connecting Rod Bushing Replacement(TAPERED PIN-END CONROD) Gu

已有 578 次阅读2022-12-28 11:03 分享到微信

ohn-Deere30294039-40456059-6068-Engines Connecting Rod Bushing Replacement(TAPERED PIN-END CONROD)

07.2022 John Deere & Hitachi Parts ADVISOR Parts Catalog EPC(CF&AG&CCE)

Using JDG738 Connecting Rod Bushing Service Set,
proceed as follows.
1. Slide driver JDG738-1 (A) into one side of rod
bushing (C). Turn driver until taper on driver flange
matches up with taper on bushing.
2. Install receiver cup JDG738-3 onto opposite side of
rod bushing.
NOTE: Stud in cup keeps rod properly located on the
cup. Use JDG738-2 pilot ring (B) as a hollow
spacer when pressing bushing out of rod.
3. Using hydraulic press, push bushing out of rod until
driver and bushing fall into receiver cup

John Deere PayLoad encryptor-decryptor + KG 

4. Slide bushing (A) onto JDG738-1 driver (B) and
install JDG738-2 pilot ring (C) onto O-ring end of
5. Apply TY6333 grease* to:

 Outside diameter of bushing

Outside diameter of pilot ring

Inside diameter of rod pin bore

6. Insert driver into rod pin bore so pilot ring pilots in rod
bore and bushing taper aligns with taper on driver
flange. Align oil hole in bushing (D) with oil hole in end
of rod (E).
7. Install JDG738-3 receiver cup (F) onto opposite side
of rod so taper on rod aligns with taper on receiver cup.
8. Press bushing into rod until edge of bushing is flush
machined surface on connecting rod face.
IMPORTANT: Oil holes MUST be aligned. If holes are
not aligned, remove and discard
bushing then re-install a NEW bushing.
DO NOT attempt to reuse a bushing.
9. Have the new bushing reamed by a specialized
workshop to obtain an oil clearance of 0.020 to 0.056
mm (0.0008 to 0.002 in.) with piston pin.







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