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Cummins Fire Pump Drive Engines Belt Guard Removal/lnstallation Guide

已有 283 次阅读2022-11-30 22:20 分享到微信

 This article mainly introduces  cummins Fire Pump Drive Engines Belt Guard Removal/lnstallation Guide

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Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and pets. If not reused, dispose of in accordance with local environmental regulations.
A Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine. Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50℃[122F] before removing the pressure cap(Cummins Fire Power Part No.11407). Heated coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.

1,Place the fire protection system in a safe mode for engine service.Place the AUTO/MANUAL rocker switch in the MANUAL position.

2,Disconnect or isolate the coolant heater power supply.

3,REMOVE BATTERY POWER BEFORE SERVICING ENGINE OR CONTROLS For safety reasons, both batteries must be disconnected before performing service on the Firepump Engine or on any of its controls.
Before disconnecting the batteries, place the Firepump Controller in its appropriate serviceposition in order to avoid a "Battery Failure"
Wear safety glasses when disconnecting batteries!
Next, disconnect both batteries at their terminals.

4,Ensure that the engine and engine coolant is cool in order to avoid burns.
Remove the engine coolant pressure cap,
(Cummins Fire Power Part No.11407).

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5,CFP83-F10, F20, F30 Only
Open the aftercooler coolant vent.

6,Drain the engine coolant system. Refer to Drain
and Flush Coolant System in Section 5.

7,Remove the Upper Engine Coolant Hose from
the heat exchanger.
Remove the Lower Engine Coolant and Fill Hose
from the heat exchanger.
Remove the Coolant Vent Hose from the heat

Drain the coolant from the coolant heat
exchanger. Refer to Drain and Flush Cooling
System in Section 5.
Remove the Coolant Heat Exchanger’s Coolant
Outlet Hose and Vent Hose. Refer to Coolant
Hose Removal / Installation in this section.
Remove the three bolts and the belt guard


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9 ,Install
NOTE: Install only Cummins approved
replacement belt guard (Cummins Fire Power
Part No. 9625 [CFP83- F10, F20, F30] or Part
No. 9627 [CFP83- F40]).
When other work is completed, install the belt
guard using the three bolts.
Torque as per Capscrew Markings and Torque
Values in Section 10.
Install the Coolant Heat Exchanger’s Coolant
Outlet Hose and Vent Hose. Refer to Coolant
Hose Removal / Installation in this section.
Refill the coolant. Refer to Drain and Flush
Cooling System in Section 5.

Install the Upper Engine Coolant Hose at the
heat exchanger.
Install the Lower Engine Coolant and Fill Hose at
the heat exchanger.
Install the Coolant Vent Hose at the heat

11,CFP83-F10, F20, F30 Only
Close the aftercooler coolant vent.

12,Close the coolant drain valve.

07.2022 John Deere & Hitachi Parts ADVISOR Parts Catalog EPC(CF&AG&CCE)

13,Refill engine coolant as required Refer to Drain
and Flush Coolant System in Section 5.
Install the coolant system pressure cap
(Cummins Fire Power Part No.11407).

14,Reconnect the coolant heater power supply.

15,For safety reasons, both batteries must be reconnected before putting the engine and fire
        protection system controller back in service.
        Wear safety glasses when reconnecting
       Reconnect the batteries at their terminals after all
       service work has been completed.

16,NOTE: Start the engine and do a quick check for
       leaks. If any coolant leaks are observed, stop the
       engine, repair the leak, check coolant level, then
       restart the engine.
       Start the engine. Refer to Normal Local Starting
       Procedure in Section 3.
       Check for and repair any coolant leaks.
       Ensure that repairs are completed satisfactorily.
       Stop the engine.
       Place the AUTO/MANUAL rocker switch in the
       AUTO position.
       Return the fire protection system to operating







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