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已有 692 次阅读2022-9-14 13:53 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

My Confession, my Condolence

I did something very stupid when I worked at Ericsson enterprise 2007, which ruined my later carrier and my faith to people. I have to confess it here, to put everything under sun light feel like the only right thing to do. I 'd also like to hear others' view about such kind of situations: was I the only naive one? Do these things only happen between Chinese?

I was a good employee and team player when I worked at Ericsson Enterprise then, but unfortunately, my partner, whom I kept a good relationship with, transfered to another department within Ericsson, like the other two guys at his position did before. Then we had to start to recruit a new software designer. My boss let me handle the recruiting. The first one I interviewed with was a young guy from Hongkong. The second guy was a middle age guy with high education, his name is Chenglin Liu, quite ugly, look like a jerk, coming from Jinan, the same province Shandong where I grew up, and his wife who was working at Ericsson nearby, her name is Chunyan Zhang, called me and told me that she grew up in the same small city as me, her father tought Marxism–Leninism at Taian Medical Institute, said that her husband worked as a technician support at a small city two hours away from Stockholm, and their younger child was less than one year old, and asked for my help. As a single mother, I know how hard it is to bring up a young child alone. Then, against my boss's advice that I should pick the younger boy, against the HR consultant's advice that his character was too strong to work with me, I still insisted to hire this Jinan guy.

 After he started to work, I was always very polite to him, treated him like every other of my colleagues, but he very soon started to be kind of rude to me, even my old colleagues started to ask me: why is he so not nice to you? I was angry with him, and naturally, stopped talking to each other. My boss was not satisfied with this, then he started another round of recruitment and got two Indian guys to the group. Unlike Chinese, they and the other huge bunch of Indian in the company was very united and helped each other a lot - I even happen to catch an Indian I didn't know sit on my seat and use my computer when the company was nearly empty. Maybe that was why one of them act like THE ORACLE sometimes.

Anyway, bad things kept happening, the Ericsson Enterprise was acquired by a Canadian company with a chinese leader called Toni, people could choose to stay or transfer to other parts of Ericsson in Kista, then get stay or get layoff, God knows. The facts was everyone who already live in north Stockholm all chose Ericsson, everyone who live in the south part of Stockholm all chose to stay. That jerk Jinan guy was already living in north Stockholm and chose Ericsson. Like the other three guys before him, he also got transferred, only difference was that the other three guys worked years on this position to prove themselves first, and all he needed to do was to kick the people who helped him. Since I just bought an apartment in Nacka, south Stockholm, and I am also a loyal person, naturally I chose to stay. And it turned out he got to stay in Ericsson, and everyone who chose to stay in their home got laid off one or two years after that. Again, jerk won.







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