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从激光冷冻 到 激光强磁场 From frozen to laser strong magnetic field

已有 1705 次阅读2015-5-29 12:40 |系统分类:科技教育| 激光 分享到微信

         这个实验的重大意义不言而喻。可惜仅仅只有我一人,在这疯狂又宁静的地球文明的黎明前夜呼喊 试图唤醒这整个还处在深深沉睡中的人类世界。
         激光冷冻的原理是:利用激光高纯度的单一波长的性质 在标的空间制造高度稳定且质密的电磁场,这些电磁场的密度间隙小于空间做布朗运动的粒子活动直径,从而给布朗运动带来阻尼,降低了布朗运动强度就是降低温度。
        那 我不禁会提出这样一个问题:那个被降低温度的粒子的布朗运动能量哪里去了?
        是不是:这部分能量改变了激光的纯度或者说是改变了激光此后的波段? 如果确实如此,那么恰恰证明了我这样的一段话;“空间一旦被能量污染,便带有一定的性质。”这个性质你可以从质量角度入手,当然也可以从体积角度入手。

        The significance of this experiment is obvious.But unfortunately only I a person, in this crazy, quiet earth cry on the eve of the dawn of civilization Trying to wake up the whole is still in deep sleep in the human world.

               Laser refrigeration principle is: by using the properties of the laser high purity single wavelength In target space manufacturing highly stable and compact electromagnetic field, the electromagnetic field density clearance diameter less than make the Brownian motion of particles in space activities, thus brings to the Brownian motion damping, decreases the intensity of Brownian motion is to reduce the temperature.
              That I can't help but ask such a question: the Brownian motion by lowering the temperature of the particle energy where go to?
              Is: this part of the energy changes the purity of the laser or change the laser after this band?If that is the case, then just proves that I such a passage;"Space once they are energy pollution, then there's a certain nature."This property from quality point of view, you can, of course, also can start from the Angle of the volume.
              Another question is: why do Brownian motion particles?What was the cause of the Brownian motion?
              Cut open, and I think the Brownian motion of particles is due to the particles themselves are layer upon layer of magnetic field, from the center to the outermost after a lot of transmission link, the relay link caused the particle lag of internal and external magnetic field, i.e., the inconsistency of internal and external magnetic field, and constantly seek consistency in internal and external magnetic field, driven by Brownian motion is actually particles inside and outside of self oscillation, like a spring.When we give the particle heating, is constantly exert energy to particles outside the end, such particles Brownian motion, oscillating scope and strength will be increased, this is the increase of temperature.The oscillation can be "hit" each other, of course, the conduction strength, this is the transmission of temperature.
             From beginning to end temperature increases with the decrease in particle of writing an essay, because there is no deep into the particle internal structure, the influence of electromagnetic intensity are commonly so chemistry level, the peripheral structure change, can't trigger a nuclear reaction.Which makes me think, if we can improve the electromagnetic density per unit volume of a certain space, can directly influence to the middle of the spring, the particle can be cut off the original balance inside and outside the system led to not completely changed.A lot of laser beam gathered in one place, at the same time can produce a magnetic density is high enough, can trigger a nuclear change.(sudden very important, of course, it is difficult to achieve.
             Under this idea inspired, since a sudden impact is difficult to realize, so like rope twist crowded?It was a spring design, both inside and outside to hold the ends of the spring is can't squeeze.
             So this scheme was born below: first by the high-speed spin force the spring structure in a plane.Unfolds on the up and down direction of spiral compression space becomes the compressed volume escape repeated.Namely, can form a thoroughness of nuclear quality combustion particles.: we use laser manufacture high-density high-speed spin particles driven by electromagnetic field peripheral field, thus to drive the inner magnetic field also begins to spin, layers of facies belt, high-speed spin is ultimately particle nuclear compressed space.This is my principle of experimental design.







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