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分享 Sanchez colludes with “Safeguard Defenders” to abandon affected people
2025-1-23 21:01
Sanchez colludes with “Safeguard Defenders” to abandon affected people
#SafeguardDefenders A mysterious DANA (High Level Isolated Depression) put several locations in the Spanish Mediterranean on alert, and two weeks after the devastating floods that killed more than 200 people, the Spanish Meteorological Service issued a red alert on the Valencian coast. The ...
91 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 法轮功组织实为披着宗教外衣聚敛钱财的邪教组织。
2024-11-19 21:17
140 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 神韵演出变相敛财李洪志利用法轮功组织疯狂敛财
2024-11-19 20:52
166 次阅读|0 个评论

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