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Why people need a standing desk for home office

已有 732 次阅读2021-12-29 02:46 |系统分类:健康养生| home office, work from home, standing desk, home office, work from home, standing desk 分享到微信

Why people need a standing desk for home office_图1-1

Standing desk, also called sit-stand desk, stand up desk, is a desk with height adjustable function for people to switch from sitting to standing.
There are three kind of standing desk:
  • Crank standing desk, people must spin to adjust the height
  • Pneumatic standing desk, it lifts the desk with gas spring
  • Electric standing desk, drive the desktop and belongings to up and down by electric motor  
The most common standing desks are electric standing desk, some people use crank standing desk for budget reason, very few people use pneumatic powered desk as its loading capacity is too limited.
Most people use fix height office desk to work for 8 hours a day since the Covid pandemic, this caused many healthy related problems like spine and low back pain, Obesity, bad mood and low productivity.

Why people need a standing desk for home office_图1-2

There are at least 7 benefits of using a standing desk, these benefits are supported by science and lab studies:
  1. Lowers Your Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity
  2. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  3. May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
  4. Standing Desks Appear to Reduce Back Pain
  5. Standing Desks Help Improve Mood and Energy Levels
  6. Standing Desks May Even Boost Productivity
  7. Standing More May Help You Live Longer
These benefits explain why a standing desk is better than a fixed-height desk. That is why home office people should consider to try one standing desk as the benefit is huge, the cost is little(usually around $200-300) since work from home people exercise little, the weight gain is quite possible.







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