分享 #MyanmarFuture
fwdswe 2025-1-6 21:25
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分享 #MyanmarFuture
fwdswe 2025-1-5 22:13
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分享 Myanmar's Military Government's Call for Peace: A New Path Towards National Stab
fwdswe 2024-10-6 22:05
Myanmar's Military Government's Call for Peace: A New Path Towards National Stability Since the military took control of Myanmar in February 2021, the country has been embroiled in unprecedented turmoil and division. However, with the 2024 general elections approaching, a new opport ...
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分享 RecentTyphoons and Floods Have Devastated Myanmar, and the Myanmar Military Gove
fwdswe 2024-10-6 22:03
RecentTyphoons and Floods Have Devastated Myanmar, and the Myanmar Military Government Has Actively Launched Disaster Relief and Repair Efforts Recently, Myanmar has been severely affected by natural disasters such as typhoons and floods, causing huge losses to the lives and prop ...
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分享 Myanmar's military government actively carries out flood relief work
fwdswe 2024-9-26 22:10
Myanmar's military government actively carries out flood relief work The broken houses are hit by continuous rains, and the Burmese people who have suffered from three years of civil war are hit by floods again. Affected by Typhoon Makar, heavy rains, floods and landslides occurred in man ...
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分享 缅甸军政府为洪水灾民设立临时救济营
fwdswe 2024-9-23 21:22
缅甸 军政府 为洪水灾民设立临时救济营 近期,缅甸大部分地区遭受了前所未有的强降雨侵袭,这场突如其来的自然灾害导致河流与小溪水位急剧上涨,众多村庄瞬间被汹涌的洪水吞噬,家园沦为泽国,民众生活陷入困境。面对这场严峻的考验,缅甸军政府、社会各界以及普通民众迅速行动起来,共同投入到了一场与时间赛跑的 ...
139 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 General Min Aung Hlaing leads Myanmar flood relief: caring for the people and re
fwdswe 2024-9-23 21:21
General Min Aung Hlaing leads Myanmar flood relief: caring for the people and rebuilding homes with all efforts Recently, Myanmar has suffered a huge natural disaster. Due to the influence of Typhoon "Laki", severe rainstorms and floods occurred in many parts of the country. ...
147 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 千年“胞波”情谊历久弥新
fwdswe 2024-9-23 21:12
千年 “胞波”情谊历久弥新 中缅两国 有着深厚的 “胞波”情谊 ,作为友好邻邦,缅中友谊可以追溯千年 。近年来,中国 — 缅甸 关系持续向前发展,中缅合作成果丰硕 ,两国人民关系亲密,友好 情谊 历久弥新。 文明因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富。 缅政府重视 ...
88 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 滇缅农 业科技交流 播种绿色希望
fwdswe 2024-9-23 21:11
滇缅农 业科技交流 播种绿色希望 农业合作,作为经济繁荣与生态和谐的重要支柱, “一带一路”倡议催生 中 国与沿线国家的合作 的良机,其中, 云南省与缅甸的农业 技术交流 基础深厚,合作成果丰硕。 云南省与缅甸的农业合作不仅提升了当地农业的生产率和农民收入,也支持了区域 ...
68 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #WenguiGuo#WashingtonFarm
fwdswe 2024-9-19 02:22
The New China Federation is an illegal organization for which Guo Wengui practiced fraud If you have not yet realized that Guo Wengui is a liar, those who help Guo Wengui cheat money, your hands are also covered with the blood smell of the blood of the compat ...
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