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How to check the struts on your car

已有 315 次阅读2023-11-8 09:04 分享到微信

As a responsible car owner, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain various parts of your vehicle. Pillars are a critical part that is often overlooked. Struts play a vital role in providing stability and control to your car's suspension system. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to check the front shock absorbers on your car and make sure they are in good working order.


Step 1: Visual inspection
Start by visually inspecting the struts for any signs of damage or wear. Check for oil leaks, dents or rust on the strut housing. If you notice any of these issues, it may be a sign that your strut needs to be replaced. Also, check for any loose or damaged parts connected to the struts, such as bolts or bushings.

Step 2: Bounce Test
Perform a simple bounce test to evaluate the condition of the struts. Press firmly on each corner of the car and release. If the car bounces more than twice, the struts are worn and need to be replaced. Ideally, the car should return to its original position after a bounce or two.

Step 3: Listen for any unusual sounds
When driving, pay attention to whether there are any abnormal noises from the suspension system. If you hear a clunking, knocking, or squeaking sound when driving over bumps or turning corners, it could be a sign that the struts are worn. These noises are usually caused by deterioration of the strut mount or bushing.

Step 4: Check for uneven tire wear
Check the tires for any signs of uneven wear. If you notice excessive wear on the inside or outside edges of your tires, it may indicate a strut problem. Uneven wear is caused by the inability of the struts to keep the tire properly aligned, causing the tire tread to wear unevenly.

Step 5: Pay attention to the problem
If you're experiencing reduced stability, excessive body roll, or a bumpy ride, it may be due to worn front shock absorbers. Defective front shock absorbers can affect your car's handling and could jeopardize your road safety. If you notice any of these handling issues, be sure to inspect and replace the struts if necessary.

Regularly checking the front shock absorbers on your car is essential to maintaining a safe and comfortable driving experience. By following the steps above and being alert for any signs of wear or damage, you can ensure that your struts are in good working order. Remember, if you are unsure or lack the necessary expertise, it is always recommended that you seek professional help from a qualified mechanic. Of course, you can also use the heavy duty truck scanner tool to help you complete these operations.







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