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An ENET cable is a diagnostic and programming tool for BMW vehicles. It enables communication between the vehicle and a computer or laptop via Ethernet port connectivity. The ENET cable is used with software such as E-Sys, ISTA+, INPA and others to diagnose and program the vehicle systems.
How to Use BMW Rheingold ISTA With ENET Cable
1. Open used for connection network adapter properties, then “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” properties, then enter for “IP address” and for “Subnetmask”.
2. If VMware is installed, open Virtual Network Editor and disconnect from the host any adapters with Subnet Address
3. Connect car with ENET cable to PC, turn ignition on.
4. Now run BMW Rheingold ISTA using shortcut in start menu and wait until it boots, then press settings button.
5. Select “VCI Config” tab and “HO-ICOM/ENET local and ISIS network”, then “OK”.
6. Go “Operations”, then “Read Out Vehicle Data” and “CompleteIdentification”.
7. Select your ENET connection from the list and press “Set up connection”button.
8. Alternatively you could select “HO-ICOM/ENET direct connection” in “VCI Config” tab and “ENET” mode with empty “IP-Address” field during connection setup.
It is important to note that using BMW Rheingold ISTA with an ENET cable requires some technical knowledge and experience. If you want to know more about BMW Diagnostic Tool,please Visit https://www.obd2tool.com