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How to delete EGR on a Cummins engine

已有 647 次阅读2023-3-19 23:42 |系统分类:家庭生活| Cummins, engine 分享到微信

DISCLAIMER – photos below were made on a non registered truck, that runs only off-road, in country with no emission laws. Obey all your local/state/country laws! Be responsible!

In order to do a proper EGR delete You have to do following:
– EGR delete ECM tuning
– block off EGR gas flow
– unplug EGR valve connector
– unplug EGR sensor connectors

ECM tuning:
– Our ECM tuning will allow you to block off EGR valve, and unplug all EGR sensors.
Keep in mind that along with EGR delete, we must delete all the filters on exhaust (DPF DOC SCR), and DEF if the vehicle is equipped with it.
– All our Cummins EGR delete tunes come with a fleet safe power upgrade.
This upgrade will provide You the best fuel economy.
– List of all our delete tunes for Cummins engines.

Related Products:Cummins Datalink Adapter

Work that needs to be done:
– The basic principle for blocking off EGR is the same on all engines.
EGR has to be blocked with steel plates on both cold & hot side.
1st block off plate goes on position where EGR manifold meets exhaust manifold.
2nd block off plate goes on position where EGR manifold meets intake manifold.

– The reason we recommend blocking off EGR on both sides, is because that way engine will run the best.
Once You block off intake(cold) side, Your intake manifold air volume & geometry will not be messed by EGR tubing.
There will be no chance of sucking air from EGR manifold, and that way causing an air leak.
Same thing is for exhaust(hot) side, Your exhaust manifold geometry will be again according to factory spec.

– Here is an example of the EGR’s hot side plate position.
The photo is taken on CM2250/CM2350/CM2350A X15 ISX, but all other Cummins engines(CM871, CM2150D, ISL, ISC, ISB, ISM) are similar

– Here is an example of the EGR’s cold side(intake) plate position.
The photo is taken on CM2250/CM2350/CM2350A X15ISX, but all other Cummins engines are similar

– Next thing to do is unplugging EGR valve’s electrical connector.
Again, this photo below is from CM2250/CM2350, but all other engines are similar.

– Now we need to unplug EGR sensors.
There are two types of sensors we need to unplug:
– EGR differential pressure
– EGR temperature sensor
Below are the photos of EGR sensors locations on CM2250/CM2350/CM2350A X15 ISX.








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