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已有 1204 次阅读2013-3-20 04:27 |个人分类:新人类生活第二家园分享到微信

好消息! 导游被提名竞选柯兹尼共产主义践行者奖

Kozeny Communiatrian Award 柯兹尼(音译)共产主义践行者奖(Kozeny Communiatrian Award)是国际社区联合会(Fellowship for International Community)设立的一个奖项,此奖以Geoph Kozeny 杰夫.柯兹尼先生的名字命名,是为了纪念杰夫.柯兹尼先生,表达联合会对他坚忍不拔的精神力量的崇敬,柯兹尼先生将大半生的精力投入在了在世界范围内建立社区。设立这个奖项的目的是为了庆祝在社区建设各个领域取得杰出成就的个人或组织。柯兹尼奖下设七个类别,这次卡森草提名导游的是杰出合作领导奖。这个奖项主要将被授予在领导才能方面有杰出表现的个人,尤其是指在与人合作方面所表现出的榜样模范作用和感召力。





今天我很高兴并很荣幸地提名雪峰先生-- 我们的导游竞选Kozeny Communitarian Award 2014年柯兹尼(音译)共产主义践行者奖 - 类别:杰出合作领导奖。





奖项类别: 杰出合作领导奖

1. 被提名人的主要贡献:

雪峰先生精心地选择了三个乡村地区,是想身体力行地宣传敬畏大自然,并与自然和谐相处的生活理念 – 顺从自然 () ,不破坏自然。他将他的核心理念称为心灵花园的完美,其中包括人类心灵与外界大自然的和谐共振. 他将所有宇宙生命– 人类,地球,自然等的创造者称为“上帝”,他也是用这个核心理念来塑造他心目中理想的世外桃源的。



他创造的这种文化可以恰如其分地被称为合作互助的生活方式,每个成员在为社区整体发展谋福利的生活工作过程中充分地体验到了被他人尊重的感觉以及劳动的光荣感,因此人人开心快乐,工作热情能相互被提升,并给予彼此纯粹的爱。我深深被遍布在这个社区的每个角落的爱和喜悦所感染和激励。大约有200位成员居住在这个社区的三所分院,这个规模让我很惊讶, 并促使我写这封提名信。








2.被提名人有能力使社区具有凝聚力从而将危机风险降到最低, 并使社区在危机出现的时候能够自如地应对处理。


3. 被提名人的人格魅力和能力使社区其他成员也能够在他的引导下激发并发展自身的领导才能





最基本的现实是:人并不象物品一样需要被控制,但需要被激励。因为人这种生命有四个维度:身体,心灵,心,精神。 开创一个新时代是伟大的行为,它需要坚韧不拔的毅力,持续的热情和全身心的投入。达到人类智慧和领导力的顶峰需要新思维,新技能,新方法,新习惯,我们也称它为“声音”,即发现你内在的“声音”并以此来激励他人来发现他们的“声音”。





4. 退出领袖角色后能使社区平稳过渡的远见卓识







卡森草 - VenkateshDharmraj.
Dear all,

It is my pleasure to nominate our Guide Xue Feng for the award for Kozeny Communitarian Award
2014 in
the category of cooperative leadership.

With the experiences in th New Oasis for Life created. By Mr.Xue Feng Our Guide and after meeting and talking to him I was inspired to nominate him for this award.

This is my little way of showing my appreciation and gratitude to Mr.Xue Feng -the Guide and the whole community and its happy members who gave me an experience of a life time of friendship, care, spiritual and mental strength and most of all the affection and love they bestowed on me.

With heartfelt thanks and best regards

Kasan. - Venkatesh Dharmraj. I am enclosing a copy of the nomination sent by me.


"New Oasis for life" is a fine example of a working community created, developed, nurtured and spreading the values of a healthy and purposeful community living. The community is spread in three districts of the Yunnan province of China - Anning, Chuxiong and Lincang.

Mr.Xue Feng has consciously chosen the three locations in the rural villages of china as his values and actions speak and put to practice the core value of being and flowing with Nature - Tao and not against nature. He calls this core value as beautifying the soul garden -which includes the inside soul of humans in consonance with outside nature. All put together he calls the entire being - the humans, the earth, nature and the universe as"The Greatest Creator". He has modeled 'New Oasis for life' on this core concept.

I visited all the three branches of the community during January and February 2013 and lived in each community and experienced the life in the community being among the members of the community.I met Mr.Xue Feng several times and discussed his concepts and ideas. This experience persuades me to nominate Mr.Xue Feng for the category of co-operative leadership.

Mr. Xue Feng has modeled exemplary and inspirational leadership in a cooperative context and has been instrumental inthe creation and development of a culture:

The culture he has created can aptly be called cooperative living with dignity of every individual and dignity of labour sprinkled with joy of working for the welfare of the community and its members, thus elevating one another and promoting pure love in the community.It's heartening to see and experience this unique experience of the joy and love that pervades this community. There are altogether more than 200 members spread in three branches. This amazed me and led me to put forth this nomination.

The most significant contribution in the community that is most obvious to missed is that the aged are the most beneficiaries in terms of respect, care, support, participation, contribution which has led them to part their experience to the younger green ration, while keeping them actively participating in the community up keep resulting in very healthy aged people. In their sixties, late sixties, seventies and late seventies and a couple of elderly 80 year olds going about with enthusiasm and taking on chores that suit their strength and skill makes these aged community members a pride of lion hearted inspirers!

Of course children too are the most beneficiaries as all the children of different branches, totaling 13 are in one school at the 4th branch. They have a school and participate in the commondining and other recreational activities, apart from learning skills of doing chores which they enjoy! The healthy environment physically and psychologically,in my opinion, makes these children the buds to bloom to take the community philosophy of living forward for generations.

It is heartening to see these two aspects with elders and children which brings a rays of hope of care for all in this modern busy and chaotic world.

Mr. Xue Feng has beens uccessful in modeling of healthy ego management:

The core concept of valuing every type of work equally without making one work more important than another and the freedom to choose and change the type of work in the community, thus eliminating the competition resulting in cooperation in the true sense! It trite to say that a successful cooperative is where there is 'cooperation'! The net result and a natural consequence has been that the community is self sustaining.

Working closely with nature in the contest of the cooperative farming growing various fruits, vegetables and many food sources has, I believe, created a sense of oneness and eliminating superior (boss) and inferior (worker). I believe that the root cause of ego is the result of superior versus inferior and when these opposites vanish ego has no choice but to vanish. The beautiful side effects ofthis are respect, concern and love for one another in the community.

In these times of turbulence in the world filled with economic crisis and stress,this cooperative living seems to provide workable solutions for a happy and purposeful living.

I believe this one simple leaf can be taken from this community to be adopted in other communities as a panacea for Ego management.

The demonstration of grace and the ability to hold the group together thus reducing crisis to a minimum and also making it possible to gracefully handle some crisis when arose:
The core values described above have also proved to totally minimize crisis in the community thus resolving the sporadic crisis and conflict is an easy task in this community.

His grace and ability has enabled the leadership capacity of others and flourished under his guidance:
Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they cometo see it in themselves. This seems to be the core trait of Mr.Xue Feng.

Apart from elimination of superior and inferior status among the members and apart from growing food and being self sufficient, Mr. Xue Feng has introduced the spiritual concepts of consciousness soul nurturing through studying the best value of all spiritual scriptures in the community. The members have as piritual orientation as a result of this, not only manual work but spiritual well being are encouraged and fostered among the community members. He has created a hundred Xue Fengs...

What Bill Gates says aptly applies to Xue Feng - "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

Similarly Stephen R Covey realized after writing his best selling'seven habits of highly effective people' the most important habit is the 8th habit of "from effectiveness to greatness".

The fundamental reality is, human beings are not things needing to be motivated and controlled; they are four-dimensional — body, mind, heart, and spirit. The call and need of a new era is for greatness. It's for fulfillment, passionate execution, and significant contribution. Tapping into the higher reaches of human genius and motivation — what we could call voice — requires a new mindset, a new skill-set, a new tool-set ... a new habit .. its to find You rVoice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs."

I find Xue Feng has created worker leaders and leader workers and therefore the leaders of the different wings of the community realize the importance of every members' skills and their contribution resulting in a hard working work people at the same time making them self respecting and potential future leaders.
So there would be no gap between his being here now and after he has gone.

That apart each branch of the community has internet cafe and all most all members of the community are conversant with the Internet and exposed to the world. The members are also encouraged to contribute their ideas in the community website and also post articles, information regarding the various events and happenings in the world. The members do reply and chat with one another.

This seems to me like the two ends of the bow - labour work in the farm and the exposure to the mental faculties tied by the rope of respect and love making the community a beautiful bow to shoot the arrows of love and inspiration all around!

Foresight to prepare well for an orderly transition to others when it was time to step down.
What I have said about the working model very naturally and gradually permeates the values from one generation to another thus transition of leadership would simply be a silent and a natural process for the continuation of the community for the future.

That apart, He has permeated his qualities each one go the members by example and being one with them and thus he has been abler create 100s of Xue Fengs.Therefore, I see the transition would be a silent and beatific process.

When I told Mr.Feng about my inclination to nominate him for this award he smilingly told me - ' I am a singing bird Mr.Venkatesh, it's my nature to sing,if people enjoy listening my songs that in itself is an award for me'.

I feel what I have tried to compile in this letter is just the gist of the working of this community. A visit to this community would amply demonstrate the success of this community living with the 'invisible' leadership of Mr.Xue Feng. I would recommend communities to net work and visit this community.

I present Mr.Xue Feng for your appreciation and appraisal for this award.

Enclosures:I am enclosing some links of pictures of cooperative working in this community to give you a glimpse of this community living.

With best regards,
Venkatesh Dharmraj.







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