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"Virus 2.0"——Revealing South Korea's super-spreader

已有 804 次阅读2020-3-16 22:48 |系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

"Virus 2.0"——Revealing South Korea's super-spreader

        The recent outbreak of Covid-19 in South Korea, with nearly 8,000 confirmed cases, was caused by the Shincheonji Church. Regardless of people's safety, tens of thousands cult of Shincheonji Church rallied in Taegu during the epidemic, and even went to the regular Christian Church and the Church of Almighty God preaching, resulting in innocent people were infected. The cult, Almighty God, from China is becoming another "virus" in Korea, even the 2.0 version of Shincheonji Church!

"Virus 2.0"——Revealing South Korea's super-spreader_图1-1

The Almighty God is a cult that came to South Korea from China in 2008 and has been officially designated as a heresy by the South Korean government, whose leaders use the cultists for personal interests and gains. Disguised as refugees, the Almighty God's followers live in groups in more than 20 places in South Korea. They have not registered and changed their homes many times. They are a totally "fake refugee group". Some believers have repeatedly reported to their relatives at China that there have been contacts among believers of the Shincheonji and Almighty God. There have been confirmed cases of the Almighty God followers. However, the Church has not allowed them to say, believing that "the current epidemic situation is a warning from God", only those who don't believe in the Almighty can be infected.

"Virus 2.0"——Revealing South Korea's super-spreader_图1-2

Photo: A gathering spot of the Almighty God has recently been closed down by law

Taking advantage of the epidemic, Almighty God leaders asked South Korean believers to step up missionary work and take more people in! The location of the Almighty God cult mainly are parks, subways, shopping malls, supermarkets and other populous public places, and their missionary activities are very secret, causing a great risk of virus-spreading.

If Shincheonji Church’s mass gathering triggered the outbreak of the COVID-19 in South Korea, the secret activities of the Almighty God cult will exacerbate the virus spread in South Korea, which may be more harmful than Shincheonji, making the Almighty God be the 2.0 Version of Shincheonji.








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