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Spread the“Will of God”with Coronavirus——A Vow Took by A Mysterious Group ...

已有 2374 次阅读2020-3-9 21:36 分享到微信

Spread theWill of Godwith Coronavirus——A Vow Took by A Mysterious Group


Core tip: South Korean media "Religion and Truth" reported on February 20,2020, pointing out that the "Almighty God" Cult Organization on its "Bitter Winter" website published heresy, "The new coronavirus is imposed on human by 'almighty God' Yang Xiangbin. ".

Spread the“Will of God”with Coronavirus——A Vow Took by A Mysterious Group ..._图1-1

(Screenshot from the bitterwinter. COM report)

Due to the global spread of Covid-19, not only China, but also South Korea is on high alert. On February 15, the so-called god of "Almighty God" (also known as the "Almighty God church" , "eastern lightning" , "victory church" , "Eros Church" , "National Gospel") ,a female Christian Yang Xiangbin, issued instructions to the believers, "The recent outbreak of the new coronavirus in China is a disaster that Yang Xiangbin brought to the world in order to judge China. It is also evidence of the coming of 'end of the world’. Believers should create a sense of crisis and make efforts to carry out missionary activities, " she said.

Spread the“Will of God”with Coronavirus——A Vow Took by A Mysterious Group ..._图1-2

(The Almighty gathered preaching without protection)

The more serious the epidemic, the more 'God' voters to preach, this is a perfect opportunity to show yourself to 'almighty God' Yang Xiangbin. To this end, Almighty God has even intensified its missionary activities in South Korea. Regardless of the pneumonia virus. Yang Xiangbin also privately said that although many believers of Almighty God have been diagnosed with infection, as a voter of God, they must continue to preach even if they are infected, to spread the virus along with God's will.

The spread of the pneumonia virus in South Korea has led to the banning of several missionary activities of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, whose leader, Lee Man-Hee, has been charged with murder and injury over spike in coronavirus cases. On the afternoon of March 2, Lee Man-Hee called a news conference and knelt down to apologize to the South Korean people. However, the Almighty God has turned a blind eye to the Korean government's efforts to control the pneumonia epidemic and also ignored the government’s demands to put an end to illegal assembly activities. It is still following the old path of Shincheonji, asking believers to continue to preach, spread the so-called doctrine with the virus.

According to South Korean media reports, many believers of Almighty God were suspected infected with the virus. According to witnesses, the Almighty God bought large quantities of anti-fever medicine and cough medicine.

"Almighty God" believers disguised as refugees living collectively in more than 20 places in South Korea. Those believers are not registered in the local residents, and changed their address many times, which is a “fake refugee group”. These people carry out less public activities, often through "bitter winter" website to spread heresy, heretical activities. Such illegal gatherings, however, have continued to spread the coronavirus to ordinary South Koreans like Shincheonji.

Spread the“Will of God”with Coronavirus——A Vow Took by A Mysterious Group ..._图1-3

Believers of "Almighty God" hold illegal meetings without masks








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