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What are the benefits of using div+css in web design

已有 415 次阅读2020-4-13 22:09 分享到微信

Greatly reduce the page code, improve the page browsing speed, reduce the bandwidth cost; clear structure, easy to be searched by search engines, born to optimize seo. Shorten the modification time. You only need to modify a few CSS files to redesign a site with hundreds of pages. Strong font control and typesetting ability. CSS is much better at controlling fonts than bad font tags. With CSS, we no longer need to use font tags or transparent 1px GIF images to control headings, change font colors, font styles, and so on.

CSS is very easy to write. You can write CSS as easily as you can write html code. Improve ease of use. Use CSS to construct HTML, for example: tags are only used to control paragraphs, title tags are only used to control headings, table tags are used only to represent formatted data, and so on. You can add more users without having to build a separate version. You can design all the content at once and publish it anywhere. Your design is not only suitable for Web browsers, but can also be published on other devices, such as powerpoint.

Better control over page layout. Needless to say. performance is separated from content. By stripping off the design section and placing it in a separate style file, you can reduce the possibility that the page will not work in the future. Search engine search is more convenient. Unlike HTML nested tags that contain only structured content, search engines will search your content more effectively and may give you a higher rating (ranking). The table layout is not very flexible and can only follow the format of the table tr td. And div, you can div ul li, you can ol li, you can ul li. But standard syntax is best written in an orderly manner. In addition, if you are not a javascrput master, you don't have to write ID, you just write classes. When the client programmer finishes writing the program and needs to adjust it, you can use his ID to control it.

In the layout of the table, there will be a lot of junk code, and some modified styles and layout code will be mixed together, which is not conducive to intuition. On the other hand, Div can better reflect the separation of style and structure, and the reconstruction of structure is strong. It can be used on almost all browsers. In the past, some of the functions that had to be achieved through image conversion can now be easily implemented using CSS to download pages more quickly. Make the font of the page more beautiful, easier to arrange, and make the page really pleasing to the eye. You can easily control the layout of the page. You can update the styles and formatting of many pages at the same time without having to update them page by page. You can use a single CSS file to control all page styles on your site, and as long as you modify the corresponding line in the CSS file, all pages of the entire site will change accordingly.







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