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There are front and back parts in web design

已有 282 次阅读2020-4-13 22:05 分享到微信

The front end can be thought of as a client, which basically requires three writing languages: html,css and js. All three have their own division of labor. HTML is used for text content, CSS for display styles, and js for dynamic interaction. Among them, html and css are relatively simple. As for js, you still need to know about jQuery. The back end can be thought of as the server side, basically Apache+php+sql. That's what I learned. Apache is the portal of the website, which is used to receive requests and maintain the stability of the website. php is the bridge between sql and website, and php is also a server-side program. SQL is a database, nothing special. HTML language. First of all, you must learn this. The display of any web page depends on the HTML language. Finally, the browser interprets the html language and displays it in front of us.

Server settings, to create web pages need to set up the server to debug your web pages, there are many kinds of iis, can be found on the Internet. CSS language. Use the web page to create three swordsmen's things, most of the CSS are automatically generated, it is difficult to understand, need to learn the basic knowledge of CSS, is the only way to enter the master. CSS controls how Web images, tables, text, etc., are displayed in front of us, such as color, border, size, and so on. Div+CSS layout. This thing is the only way to make it professionally, and network elements rely on it to build basic frameworks, such as Baidu Space, which is what QZone's skin is made of.

Database. The basis of moving towards dynamic web pages, such as Baidu knowing to answer these questions, involves reading, writing, modifying and deleting the database. Database is the foundation of all software, more than 80% of applications involve database, and as a web page production, there is no need to learn deeply, enough. Dynamic language, asp,php,jsp,.net (c #, etc.). To operate a database, interaction requires a dynamic language. Today, many dynamic languages, such as php, have a "framework". Building a station with a frame is like building a house out of part of a movable board house, and writing it all down is like building a brick house.

JavaScript . page inside the CApTCHA, pop-up windows, special effects, etc., rely on it, a page without javascript basically no, this also has a lot of available framework, this language is the most difficult, but also the most powerful, web Trojan, viruses mostly use this language. The plane involves software. FLASH,photoshop, etc., page beautification also depends on pictures and other things. You can do one of these things, or none of them, and you can create a certain level of web pages (using three swordsmen, or saving HTM files directly in Word). This knowledge is basic for in-depth study.







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