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The new possibility of watching sports games in Softbank Corp 5G

已有 556 次阅读2020-3-6 02:34 分享到微信

Softbank Corp. is the largest sponsor of the Japan Basketball Association and the B League, and has cooperated in sports and the use of new basketball technologies, including pre-operation of watching games using 5G new sports on the Japanese national team and the Winter Cup. The announced "5G Lab" is a new service that has dramatically evolved the entertainment and sports viewing experience of the 5G era. "you can watch sports from different angles, which is different from what you see on TV or on the Internet," said Jun Haruba, vice president of Softbank Corp.. " 

Yuko Miyani, president of the Japan Basketball Association, and Yuta Tuse of Utoya Department Store attended the conference. In addition, active high school student Yuki Kawamura (Yuki Kawamura) plays in San en New Phoenix (Sanen Neo Phoenix), where he appears in AR (augmented reality). In front of the giant AR Kawamura, which is about 3 meters long, Mr. Miya said, "I'm so impressed that even it means I want to use this size." 

The Archuan Village Daxiu followed quickly across the border, and the chairman of Miyaya seemed to be surprised, "isn't this fast-forward?" "even children who do not have club activities nearby or cannot join the basketball team alone can see excellent players playing at hand. This is a very good environment for the children," said Tabu, looking at Archuan Village's dribbling. "he has the strength to keep his center of gravity low and keep dribbling constantly. From this AR Kawamura player, we can see that he dribbles evenly from left to right, with speed and explanation. 

With this latest technology, you can get a closer look at how players play on their smartphones. Taboo said: "I can see the movements of professional athletes, fingertips, knee angles and other details." If I had mastered this skill since I was a child, I think the basket would be better (laughter). This is a real study of movement, so it is a learning experience. " Softbank Corp. has supported the Japan Basketball Association and the B League as major sponsors since 2016, but announced that he will continue to support them in the future. 

"I want to do something new in the collaboration between the basket and 5G technology," Vice President Haliba said. "I'm not just a sponsor, I want to create a new way to watch and watch basketball together." "I will try my best to let the basket help me make Japan more energetic and dynamic," he said. The cooperation between sports and science and technology will not only give birth to a new sport, but also greatly help to improve the level of basketball in Japan.







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