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Walking with the cat's island

已有 415 次阅读2020-3-6 02:32 分享到微信

Ai Island, Xingu Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, is known as "Cat Island". It has appeared on television and social networks and has become a "mecca" for cat lovers. I heard that a professional photographer went to Ai Island and was following the cat, so I took a picture with me. When I learned about the cat tips, I also opened the blinds. About 250 people live on Ai Island, about 7.5 km from the coast of Xingu town and 6 km from the overseas edge of Genkai. There are many stray and free-range cats around the port, and the idyllic scenery of the island attracts many cat lovers. 

It takes about an hour from Fukuoka JR Boda Station by train, bus and town ferry. Since it is a one-day trip from Fukuoka City, it is said that there may be additional flights during the holiday. Cat photographer Kenichi Mori accompanied me to take this picture. Mr. Mori, who lives in Fukuoka, has owned a cat for more than 20 years. He goes to Love Island once a month. 

After listening to the attitude, the shooting time began. I use Nikon's D5300 SLR camera entry machine. I've been using it for about six years. Shooting starts around 2: 00 p. M. Looking around, the napping cat looked particularly conspicuous. It seems that it can be easily stored in the camera, and the sleeping face is also very cute. 

Cats relax in different places, such as on the Internet or in a truck bed. Press the shutter a little to avoid surprise. However, when I was filming, I also felt the desire to interact with the cat. In this case, Mori got more information than his ears. "if you put your finger in front of a walking cat, it will be very close to you." As he said this, Mr. Mori held out his index finger.







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