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Five smartwatches for children are cheaper than Imoo

已有 380 次阅读2020-2-8 03:09 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Five children's smartwatches are cheaper than Imoo illustrations, CNN Jakarta, Indonesia-recently, many parents feel uneasy because their children want to use Imoo smartwatches. The reason is that this smartwatch is not cheap, its price is around 999000-3.2 million rupees.

However, in addition to the Imoo, there are many smartwatches on the market to choose from. These are some of the options for these watches. This smartwatch provides mobile phone functions for parents. Children on the phone can easily press the button for three seconds and connect directly to their parents' number. Parents or supervisors can download Bipbip applications that are available on both iOS and Android. Using this application, parents can track their child's current location, activities, and control of safety zones. 

The price of, Bipbip Watch V.02 in Indonesia is within the range of RP. 12-1.5 million people. The old version also has a lower price. The Wonlex Q50 is a smartwatch that is also suitable for parents who want to continue to monitor their children's activities. This smartwatch can make two-way phone calls and SOS calls. In addition, the watch also has a voice call function. In addition to the communication function, parents can also track the location of their children. Parents can also monitor their children's voices and view tracking records of activities through the app. 

The output has a variety of equally interesting features. Favorite features include phone calls, emergency calls, and location tracking and child activities for parents through the application. This watch is equipped with artificial intelligence technology. And, with AI support, the smartwatch can sing until it can also be used as a chat partner.







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