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Toyota 1GD/2GD Engine Common Rail System Injection How to Work

已有 1605 次阅读2021-3-9 21:04 |系统分类:杂谈| 丰田维修 分享到微信

This instruction show you the TOYOTA 1GD / 2GD Engine injection Common Rail System (CRS) Service Manual.DENSO Fuel Injection Pump ETSI 2017 Download & Installation Guide

Possesses the capability to withstand extra-high voltage of 220 MPa.

Specifications that prevent static leaks * have been realized through the use of a construction that eliminates high pressure sliding surfaces. These static leakless characteristics improve fuel efficiency by upgrading power performance and suppressing rises in fuel temperature.

Before Injection

When the solenoid is not energized, the control valve is closed to shut off the sub "out" orifice by the force of the valve spring. As a result, injection cannot take place with the nozzle needle closed due to the difference in surface area exposed to pressure between the control chamber side of the nozzle needle and the nozzle seat side (control chamber side > nozzle seat side).

During Injection

When the solenoid is energized, it pulls the control valve upward, and fuel inside the control chamber flows out from the sub "out" orifice and the control plate "out" orifice. The pressure becomes greater on the nozzle needle side than the control chamber side due to the drop in pressure within the control chamber. As a result, the force applied to the nozzle seat overcomes the force pressing down, the nozzle needle is pushed up, and injection begins. Additionally, the control plate is pushed up due to both a pressure difference (control chamber side > middle chamber side) and the force of the control plate spring, which closes the "in" orifice. For this reason, dynamic leaks during injection* are minimized by only holding the remaining fuel in the control chamber.

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Injection Complete

When the solenoid power supply is stopped, the control valve closes the sub "out" orifice, fuel inside the control chamber flows into the intermediate pressure chamber and increases the pressure of the intermediate pressure chamber. Afterwards, the combined pressure of the control chamber side and control plate spring becomes less than the combined pressure of the intermediate pressure chamber side and the high
pressure annular groove. As a result, the control plate lowers, and fuel flows into the control chamber from the "in" orifice. The force pressing down on the nozzle needle is increased due to an increase in pressure inside the control chamber, the nozzle needle lowers, and injection ends. Afterwards, the pressure in the control chamber, intermediate pressure chamber, and high pressure annular groove become equal, and the control plate is pushed up by the control plate spring.









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