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The golden rule of supermarket merchandising

已有 352 次阅读2020-2-29 11:57 |系统分类:家庭生活| aceallyshelf 分享到微信

We have mentioned some important principles in the previous principles of supermarket shelf display, and today we have put together some additional golden rules for you! It will be used in the display of commodities in the supermarket.
 1.Easy to read and easy to choose
 Many customers are in a hurry when they shop at the convenience store, so make sure they are easy to read and easy to select. It is necessary to have a clear guide sign on the supermarket shelf.
 2.Small profits and quick sales "guard" the entrance
 When you walk into a supermarket, you should see a bargain. Generally speaking, near the entrance of the place, put low-margin, high-frequency purchases of goods, can attract customers into the door, such as books, slippers, towels and so on.
 3.Line display and focus display
 Line display is based on the display space of shelves and counters, and the products are arranged in a horizontal line. Can Be used vertical, vertical, horizontal, inclined or equal arrangement of the form, can be unified, intuitive performance of the rich content of products, so that customers at a glance. Focus, is in the supermarket display area, the first to attract attention to the point of view.
 4.Place the details of the position
The goods display shelves in the lower three-end display to have a level. Placed on the top of light, small goods, exquisite goods and goods mold, can better attract customers. In the middle of the display of hot-selling goods and high-priced goods, to facilitate the purchase of customers and timely replenishment. Lower placed heavy goods, discount goods, can have an unexpected sales effect.







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