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How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm

已有 37 次阅读2025-3-6 20:37 分享到微信

The Launch X431 IMMO Elite key programmer now supports ID48 (96-bit) online calculation for VW vehicles. To perform this function, you will need to use the X431 Key Programmer. Follow the step-by-step guide below to easily complete the process.

Operation Guide:
  1. Insert the original key into the Launch X431 Key Programmer to read the key information.

    How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm_图1-1

    How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm_图1-2

  2. Select "ID48 (96-bit) Online Calculation" to clone the chip data.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and click “Start Clone.”
  • Insert the original key into the LAUNCH device to recognize the key.
  • Place the LAUNCH antenna close to the car’s ignition switch (detection coil) to collect data.
    For a normal remote key:
    Insert the original car key, turn the ignition on, then turn it off, and remove the key. Repeat this process until data collection is complete.
    For a smart key:
    Remove the key’s battery, place the smart key near the detection area, and turn on the instrument cluster. Turn off the ignition and remove the key. Repeat this process until data collection is complete.
    For Volvo models:
    Collect one set of data at a time by disconnecting the power before collecting the next set.

    How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm_图1-3

5 Steps to Calculate ID48 (96-bit) Online:
  1. Identification
  2. Sniffer Data
  3. Upload
  4. Calculation
  5. Query

    How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm_图1-4

How to Clone VW POLO ID48 Chip with Launch X431 IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programm_图1-5

After successfully cloning the chip using the X431 IMMO Elite and Key Programmer, insert the cloned chip into the key to start the vehicle. The vehicle can now be controlled separately.

Note: It is necessary to perform a matching process with the anti-theft software.

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