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How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?

已有 26 次阅读2025-3-5 20:52 分享到微信

Good news!!! PADFLASH ECU Programmer is available on WIN10 now. But there is no direct software download link. Installation must be performed remotely. The technician will upload the software, and instructions for self-installation will be updated afterward. Follow this guide to install, activate PADFlash software, check the wiring Diagram, and read ECU/TCU.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-1

How to Install & Activate PADFlash Software on Windows 10?

  1. Install TeamViewerremote control software on your computer.
  2. Connect the device's USB cable to the computer.
  3. Insert the USB KEY that came with the device into the computer.
  4. Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  5. Turn on TeamViewer and send your remote control ID and password to your sales representative, or email them to info@padflashr.uk.
  6. A technician will assist with the installation remotely.
  7. Activation Time:
  • CET (UTC+1): 11:00-14:00
  • CEST (UTC+2): 12:00-15:00 (Spanish time)

How to Start PADFlash Software on Windows 10?

  1. Open PADFlash Updater Manager.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-2

  1. The following information will be displayed: SN, Email, and App version.
  2. Select your preferred language and click the Activate FWbutton to initiate the license activation.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-3

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-4

  1. Click the Activatebutton to proceed.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-5

  1. Enter the device’s S/Nand click Login.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-6

  1. Once completed, PADFlash software will be successfully activated.

NOTE: Each time you use the software, you must click Activate FW first, then click Activate to log in to the software.


How to Check Wiring Diagram?

  1. Open the Search
  2. Enter the ECUand hit Search.
  3. The search results will display the relevant instructions and wiring diagram pinouts.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-7

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-8

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-9

How to Read ECU/TCU with PADFlash?

    1. Launch the PADFlash softwareon your desktop.
  1. Accept any warning messages that appear.
  2. Select your desired languagefor the software interface.
  3. Choose the correct driverfor the ECU/TCU.
  4. Select the modeland ECU type, then click Next.
  5. Review the connection cautions
  6. Finally, proceed with reading the ECU/TCU.

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-10

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-11

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-12

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-13

How to Install & Activate PADFLASH Software on Windows 10?_图1-14

Read also:

What is PADFLASH ECU Programmer? How to Use?


PADFlash ECU Programmer Feedback: Support or Not Support?


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