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If you own an Autel MaxiIM IM508, IM608, IM508S, IM608 II, or OTOFIX IM1/IM2 device, there may come a time when you need to reset it to factory settings. This process erases all data on the device and restores it to its original state. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you perform the reset.
Steps to Perform a Factory Reset:
Go to Settings > System Settings > System > Reset Options > Erase All Data (Factory Reset)
Tick the “Erase SD Card” option and click “RESET TABLET”
After the Reset
1.Restart and Reconnect:
Once the reset is complete, the device will automatically restart. Reconnect it to your Wi-Fi network to restore internet access.
2.Update the System:
Open the MaxiIM app on your device and navigate to the Updates section. Check for and install any available updates, including:
Important Notes
Backup Your Data: Before performing a factory reset, ensure that all important data is backed up. A factory reset will permanently erase everything on the device.
Stay Connected: A stable internet connection is essential for downloading updates and restoring functionality after the reset.
Contact Support if Needed: If you encounter issues during or after the reset, contact Autel or OTOFIX customer support for assistance.
By following these steps, you can successfully reset your device to its factory settings and ensure it operates as smoothly as when you first started using it.