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How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?

已有 96 次阅读2025-1-10 21:43 分享到微信

Launch VSP-600 VideoScope can be used to work with LAUNCH X431 scanners or Android and Windows smartphones/tablets/ computers to stream live video. It allows technicians to view, record, and save images and videos effortlessly.

How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-1


When do you need a Launch VSP600 VideoScope?

  • Vehicle Maintenance:Ideal for quality inspections and assembly checks of engines, oil pressure components, nozzles, and other automotive parts.
  • Electronics and Machinery:Useful for inspecting mechanical actions, parts testing, and research and development applications.
  • Plumbing and Water Pipes:Effective for identifying rust, blockages, or other issues in drainpipes.
  • Home Inspections: Suitable for detecting rust and dirt in steel pipes, diagnosing issues within walls, and other household explorations.

As well as all narrow and dark hard-to-reach areas, you can make it an excellent helper in a 2m deep area.


How to Use Your LAUNCH X431 VSP-600 Videoscope?

  • With an X431 Scanner 8 inches and above:

Launch X431 PAD, X431 PAD II, X431 PAD V, PAD VII, X431 V, X431 V+, X431 PRO, X431 PRO3S+, Pro5, Pros V5.0, CRP919E BT, CRP919X BT, etc.

If you have an X431 car scanner, open the diagnostic software in the X431 app. Look for the endoscope option in the menu, click to access it, and start using the camera.

  • With a Windows/Android Device:

For Windows or Android phones, tablets, or computers, download "Endoscopy" APP to use the camera seamlessly.

Video reference:



Operation guide:

1.Setup with an Android/Windows Device:

Download and install the "Endoscopy" APP on your Android/Windows phone, tablet, or computer.

How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-2

Use the provided cable or via a compatible wireless connection to connect the VSP600 VideoScope to the device

Launch the app and follow the on-screen instructions to start using the VideoScope.

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How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-4

2.Begin Inspection:

Insert the probe into the area you want to inspect (e.g., vehicle engine, pipes, or walls).

Use the app or scanner interface to view the live video feed.

Adjust the camera's position and light settings as needed for better visibility.

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How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-7

3.Capture and Save Data:

Use the APP to capture images or record videos.

Save the files to your device for later review or sharing.

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How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-10


After use, clean the probe carefully according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

Store the device in a safe, dry place to prevent damage.


Using Tips:

1.Remove the Protective Film:

The mirror surface is covered with a blue protective film. Remove this film before using the device for clear visibility.

2.Replaceable Tools:

The VideoScope comes with three replaceable tools: a magnet, a mirror, and a hook. To use them:

Remove the protective cap from the LED light.

Attach the desired tool to the camera for specific inspection needs.

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How to Use Launch VSP-600 VideoScope with Android Device?_图1-14

Launch VSP-600 VideoScope Inspection Camera:








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