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Possible Lonsdor K518 Pro Add Key to 2023 Defender Locked RFA?

已有 86 次阅读2025-1-2 03:15 分享到微信


I have a 2023 Defender Locked RFA. Can I use Lonsdor K518 Pro to add new key to it?

Possible Lonsdor K518 Pro Add Key to 2023 Defender Locked RFA?_图1-1

Here is the answer from EOBDTool.co.uk engineer:

You need to check if the KVM is low configuration or high configuration.


Low Configuration Cars (new Land Rover big card):

  • Direct Copy: Supports direct key copying, making it easy to use without dismantling.
  • Limited Models: Some models allow copying but require a prompt for the 32-bit secret key, which does not support copying.
  • All Key Lost: Keys can be replaced without dismantling the vehicle, even if all keys are lost.


High Configuration Cars:

  • Direct Copy: Supports direct copying but does not include smart key functionality. Only remote control and emergency start are available.
  • Smart Key Configuration: To enable smart key functionality, follow the "all key lost" process.


JPLA Version:

  • CPU Chip or RFA Box Replacement:

The CPU chip or RFA box must be replaced before using the K518 Pro to access the replacement RFA menu.

After this process, all lost keys can be supported, enabling smart key functionality, remote control, and keyless entry.

  • Non-Smart Keys:

Vehicles without smart key functionality must have the UWB (Ultra-Wideband) function disabled by changing the vehicle configuration.

Two keys are required to replace the RFA box if all keys are lost.

  • Operational Steps for Replacement and Matching:

Use the Lonsdor K518 PRO key programmer to modify the vehicle configuration, replace the RFA box or chip, and then match the key.

If the 518 tool fails, use the original instrument for replacement and then match the key using the 518 tool.

For all key-lost scenarios with alarms, a JLR adapter cable is required.


K8D2 Version:

If the K518 tool cannot complete the process, special inspection or tools are required.


Passive Entry/Start (PSPS) and Keyless Functionality:

If the car supports unlocking by holding the door handle, it indicates the presence of Passive Entry Passive Start (PSPS) or keyless entry functionality.


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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