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How to Purchase Launch NASTF License and Bind NASTF Account?

已有 23 次阅读2024-12-15 20:58 分享到微信

As LAUNCH has joined the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF), the new users of Launch X431 IMMO Plus/IMMO Elite need to unlock the NASTF to enable the IMMO functions. Check the details below.



In order to further improve Launch X431 products and services, LAUNCH has joined the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF).

The IMMO software needs to meet NASTF specifications.

Before using IMMO related functions, you must log in to the NASTF VSPID account first.

After December 4, 2024, for new users in the United States and Canada, it is necessary to log in to the NASTF account before using the IMMO software.

1.Purchase Launch authorization from the mall. (Purchase authorization through the mall or activate with a license which will be available soon, please pay attention to App updates).

2.Register by visiting the official website: https://wp.nastf.org

For more info about the NASTF organization, please visit https://aviondemand.wistia.com/folders/3x561d5r6f

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Kindly notice:

This update is only for new users who have not previously registered. If you’re already registered, there’s no need to update, and you can continue using it indefinitely.


If you don’t purchase the Launch NASTF license and bind NASTF account to your Launch X431 IMMO tablet, the IMMO and IMMO Prog functions will not be supported.


Main steps to unlock NASTF on Launch X431 IMMO Tablet:

Step 1: Buy NASTF License in the Mall

Step 2: Register NASTF Account

Step 3: Bind the NASTF Account to X431 Tool

In detail…


Step 1: Buy NASTF License in the Mall

Select Mall>> Service Renew>> NASTF License (US$49.99)>> Get Discount Now>> Check out

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Input the payment info and click “Confirm”

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Step 2: Register NASTF account

Access to the official website: https://wp.nastf.org/ to register an account

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Step 3: Bind the NASTF Account to X431 Tool

Back to the home page of Launch X431 Tool

Select the related X431 IMMO tablet (i.e. X-431 IMMO ELITE) to enter the main menu

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The “User information binding” will appear on the screen.

Input the NASTF VSP ID (account), passcode and username correctly

Click “SUBMIT”

Then the NASTF account will be bound to X431 IMMO Plus or X431 IMMO Elite Key Programmer successfully.

Note: the passcode can be obtained through the Authy APP.

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UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop

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