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LAUNCH X431 Tool Unlock European SGW Guide

已有 27 次阅读2024-10-13 21:08 分享到微信

Currently, LAUNCH European SGW Function License has been released by LAUNCH Official. It can be purchased in the “Mall” of Launch X431 PAD V Elite, PAD VII Elite and PRO5 SmartLink. After activating this license, you will unlock gateway on Mercedes models produced after 2020, FCA & Maserati, and Renault & Dacia models, and then perform the DTC reading, DTC clearing, some data stream and special functions, etc.

LAUNCH X431 Tool Unlock European SGW Guide_图1-1

European SGW Function License contains:

  • Mercedes Benz gateway license (1 year)
  • FCA & Maserati gateway license (1 year)
  • Renault & Dacia 50 connections

*Need to renew license after it expires.



$1151 + 19% VAT (check actual price in your tablet)



Via Paypal


Date for processing:

Serial Number on device required and allows 3 working days for activation.


Security Gateway:

With the entry into force of EU Regulation 2018/858, more and more vehicle manufacturers have started to protect access to vehicle electronics via the OBD Interface using so-called security gateway modules. This has an Impact on the previously unrestricted communication between the vehicle diagnostic device and the respective vehicle. LAUNCH Europe GmbH currently offers SGW activation for FIAT Chrysler Automobiles, Mercedes and Renault / Dacia models to enable activation and thus full access to all diagnostic functions again.



As part of a co-operation agreement with Mercedes, LAUNCH Europe GmbH enables SGW activation for all vehicle models equipped with Security Gateway technology. In this way, unrestricted vehicle communication between the vehicle diagnostic unit and the vehicle can be realized again and all diagnostic functions can be used in full.


Renault & Dacia:

As part of a co-operation agreement with Renault / Dacia, LAUNCH Europe GmbH enables the SGW activation of all vehicle models equipped with the Security Gateway technology. In this way, unrestricted vehicle communication between the vehicle diagnostic unit and the vehicle can be realized again and all diagnostic functions can be used in full.


Fiat Chrysler Automobiles:

As part of a cooperation agreement with the FCA Group, LAUNCH Europe GmbH enables SGW activation for all vehicle models equipped with Security Gateway technology. In this way, unrestricted vehicle communication between the vehicle diagnostic unit and the vehicle can be realized again and all diagnostic functions can be used in full.


If you also need CarSET Pro database (X431 FIX/haynespro), you can purchase it from https://acc.haynespro.com/products/workshopdata-electronics.


LAUNCH European SGW Function License Purchase Process:

Turn on X431 PAD V, X431 PAD VII or X431 PRO5 SmartLink diagnostic tablet

Select Mall>> Other Goods>> European SGW Function License

The purchasing step is the same as Launch European Software License Pack, just follow the post below to operate.



If you do not purchase the European SGW Function License, you can only perform the DTC reading, DTC clearing and some data stream functions. Other functions are not allowed to be used.

For example, one customer used his Launch X431 PAD VII to do special functions on a 2021 Mercedes C class W206 300d DoIP model, but he got the error message “Encryption gateway authentication failed and test functions are limited” & “The function is not activated. Incorrect code: 1000699.”

LAUNCH X431 Tool Unlock European SGW Guide_图1-2

LAUNCH X431 Tool Unlock European SGW Guide_图1-3

The reason is that Mercedes-Benz has installed a security gateway module in many new models to protect their vehicle systems from unauthorized access, meaning that unrestricted communication between the diagnostic equipment and the vehicle is only possible with the correct access.

Therefore, you need to buy Launch European SGW Function License to obtain the access.


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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