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Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide

已有 66 次阅读2024-9-25 20:42 分享到微信

The “Topology Map” function is very popular with customers. Launch X431 has updated this feature in some X431 Tools incl. X431 PAD V, PAD VII, PRO3 APEX, PRO3 ACE, PRO3S+ V5.0, PRO3S+ SmartLink HD, V+ 5.0 (PRO3), V+4.0, and PRO5 so far. This function can show different health statuses in different colors and show the structure of communication between modules. In the aspect of ease of use, it enables you to press the system module to access the system and display the relevant DTCs.


How to get Topology function?

Make sure the device is under subscription and update the software to the newest version.

It is going to be the latest update for the main Launch App.

Go to User Info/settings/about to check the APP version.

For example, the APP version of LAUNCH X431 V+ 4.0 (10.1 inch) should be V7.00.012 and above.

Launch X431 Pro5 should be V7.03.014 and above.


How to use Topology function on Launch X431 tablet?

The Topology Mapping is under the [Local Diagnose] function.

You need to select the car brand and the related diagnostic software, and then you can see "System Topology" and perform the available functions.

For example: Launch X431 PRO3S+

Select Local Diagnose>> AUDI>> AUDI diagnostic software V28.95

There are four options at the left bottom of the System Topology screen.

  • Smart Detection
  • System Scan
  • Gateway Scan
  • Select Detection

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-1

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-2

There are five colors to show the different meanings after scanning.

  • Green: means the modules are normal.
  • Red:means the modules are abnormal, and it will show you the amount of codes in the module.
  • Blue:means the module is scanned but the codes are not scanned.
  • White: means the module is not scanned.
  • Grey: means the module is not equipped.

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-3

The Launch tool will scan DTC of all systems after selecting Smart Detection and it takes some time to scan the modules. If you want to stop scanning, tap “Pause”.

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-4

The Launch X431 Tool will stop scanning until the current module has been scanned.

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-5

You can tap the module which turns red, and it will show you the DTC of the module.

Tap “Code Search”, it will search the code online and show you how to repair the vehicle.

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Back to the last page and tap “ENTER” to enter the system

Check the information of the module and tap “OK” to continue

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-8

Then you can see all the functions that you can operate to this module.

  • Read advanced version info
  • Module info
  • Read DTC
  • Clear fault code
  • Read data stream
  • Read freeze frame
  • Actuation test
  • Adaptation
  • Basic settings
  • Coding

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-9

When you select System Scan, the X431 Tool will only scan all the modules, and show you which modules the vehicle is equipped or not but will not scan the codes.

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-10

If you do not want to scan all the modules, you can tap the button to select the specific modules you want to scan or tap it again to unselect, or select a single module to scan.

Select the modules and tap Select Detection

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Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-12

Select “Report” to input the vehicle info and shop info

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-13

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Then you can save and share the report.

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Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-16

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop

Launch X431 Topology Map Function User Guide_图1-17







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