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Launch X431 Erase Mercedes-Benz ECU Feedback

已有 318 次阅读2024-9-2 04:23 分享到微信

Here EOBDTOOL.co.uk has collected some X431 Tools that have been tested and verified 100% working with Mercedes-Benz ECU and TCU on Bench. All have the corresponding wiring diagram in the software, which makes your job easy and fast. The used Benz ECU can be reused after resetting. After clearing the ECU or TCU, the used control module can be installed on other cars. Then go on to perform programming, coding, and personalize.


1.Launch X431 PAD V with X-Prog3 virgin Benz ME9.7/TCU 722.9, MED17.7.x, SIM271DE2.0 and SIM271KE2.0- OK

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2.Launch X431 IMMO Elite/X431 IMMO Plus with X-Prog3 virgin Benz CR3.xx, C4R4.xx, CR5.xx, CR6.xx, CR60.xx, CRD.11, CRD2.xx, CRD3.xx, MED2.8.1, ME9.7- OK

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3.Launch X431 IMMO Elite/IMMO Plus with X-Prog3 virgin Benz ISM/DSM/ESM  OK

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4.Launch X431 ECU & TCU Programmer virgin Benz VGS3  OK

There are two ways to connect, one is read in the car, and the other is to remove and read.

This function is a blank function. After reading and saving the EEPROM data, you need to write a new data in it. (You can contact our customer service for the new data).

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5.Launch X431 X-Prog3 with PC Adapter virgin Benz VGS3  OK

The operation guide and notice are the same as X431 ECU Programmer.

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