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OBDSTAR iScan Ducati Motorcycle Diagnostic Scanner Customer Review

已有 306 次阅读2024-8-28 20:55 分享到微信

OBDSTAR iScan DUCATI is a comprehensive tool that supports diagnosis, key programming, and some special functions for Motorcycles up to 2023 model.

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OBDSTAR iScan DUCATI Highlights:

  1. New android 5.1.1 operation system;
  2. Simple and intuitive menu guidance allows you to quickly understand how to use the tablet;
  3. Provide complete functions including automatic scanning, VIN recognition, control module programming and coding, ECU setting, instrument coding, tire pressure monitoring system, maintenance light reset, CO adjustment, idle speed adjustment, A/F value reset, ABS control unit setting, EOL mode, transmission memory reset, clear computer memory and key programming, etc;
  4. Menu selection is more convenient and quick;
  5. Record and play back real-time data streams,quickly and accurately locate sensor and component faults;
  6. Wi-Fi connection to the internet, one-click software upgrade;
  7. One-click remote help function, OBDSTAR technical staff offer remote assistance.
  8. Lightweight and portable, your motorcycle repair helper.
  9. One year update for free, after one year, it costs 80 USD for update per year.
  10. Support multi-language: English (EN), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), French (FR), German (DE), Italian (IT).

(The default language is English, please register the device before changing language.)

  1. With Free M041 Cable(for 2019 and newer Ducatimotorcycle models)


Ducati Motorcycle Diagnostic Supported List 2024-02-29

Ducati Motorcycle IMMO Supported List 2024-02-29

Ducati Motorcycle ODO Supported List 2024-02-29 (Odometer adjustment function need to buy license.)

OBDStar IScan Series User Manual


Feedback 1:

Just bought an OBDSTAR iScan Ducati which arrived this morning.

I might have to read the instructions to get the best out of it, but a simple code read to find out why I have an engine light on worked well. So I’m happy so far. Now just need to fix it.

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Feedback 2:

OBDStar unit arrived this morning. Have registered and updated it. Will connect it up to the Panigale V4S 2018 bike later with an update on how it worked out.

OK.I managed to enable the Bluetooth function on the bike with the OBDStar unit and read the DMS module.

However, the VIN number stored on it, is that of the bike the dealer connected it to, to originally activate the DMS module. The only way to erase that is at the dealer and reset it to my own VIN.

It does not seem to make much difference in terms of functionality though, as the Ducati Connect app lets me pair my phone with my bike and all the dash functions, such as Last Calls, Player On/Off etc, all work as described.

I will have them correct it when I eventually take the bike in for any software updates and to load the Akra exhaust map.

There is evidently a lot of functionality on the OBDStar unit and under the 'Special Functions' menu, you can enable/disable a number of items even reset the odometer, though I cannot condone it, if you do.

There are also a number of other features you can use, but these may potentially carry some risk to the ECU, so I am leaving them well alone.

It is most likely of interest if you want to reset or clear existing error codes, such as a DQS malfunction or a service light or removing an evap canister or Ex servo light error code (likely seen after fitting a different exhaust system).

Normally the updated software (such as the T800 or Akra map) will take care of these codes but if you are fitting something else such as a Spark or Arrow system, this may be of some benefit.


Managed to get hold of a flight case to replace the cardboard box the unit came in. £38 which is not bad really and a much better solution to protect the OBDStar unit and cables. Having measured the dimensions of the two layer foam packaging first, and checked the internal dimensions of the new case online, I didn't even have to trim the foam down as the whole thing fitted straight into the case. There is a small gap around the edges but it's still a pretty snug fit.

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Feedback 3:

There is a way to select a different model to the one the unit thinks it is connected to.

Initially mine identified the bike automatically from the VIN encoded into the ECU. Correct me if I'm wrong but I surmise that this is how you're connecting to your bike? After an update to the OBDStar it seemed to stop recognizing the bike this way. So I now have to go to the diagnosis level of the menu and choose "Select from Vehicle" rather than "Auto Identify [VIN]".

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Choose the 2nd option “Select from vehicle”

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That then asks me to input serial.

Initially this was is a little confusing, until I realized that the spreadsheet has a column headed "Serial" containing a single alpha or numeric value matching the first character of the corresponding "Model" column. Entering "M" brings up a list of models including all the Multistradas.

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Selecting the appropriate one brings up a list of the model year ranges to drill down further.

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Selecting one of these and then clicking OK brings up the list of possible action headings such as; ENG ANS, Meter, Activations, BBS etc.

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Clicking on one of these, from experience shows the year/year range again and that then results in the OBDStar trying to connect to the bike.

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As this was done at my desk and without the bike plugged in I get the above message.

I haven't tried to connect to mine as anything other than what it is. Not sure if it will let you proceed if it's plugged into a model it's not expecting based on your previous selections?

Last year I did plug it into Monster to reset an error light.


Feedback 4:

I updated the OBDstar iScan yesterday and plugged it in to the bike just now. It’s a 2015 1200 DVT


I have way more activations available to me than I had before ... including the one i wanted - foglights:)


I have the lights and the genuine Ducati crash bars (I need to change over as I have SW Motech bars fitted at the mo) so that is a relatively straightforward job to finish off. Knowing the additional lights now function was the main thing. I can hang on now, until it warms up a bit


Someone asked if they stayed on, on full beam as well as dip beam somewhere on here? Yeah they do.

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Feedback 5:

My OBDSTAR iScan Ducati motorcycle diagnostic tool has arrived today.

Impressed so far, all I've done on my initial session was to rest the PINs on my M821 and MTS1200GT, and have a scan through some of the other options. I'll be servicing my M821 fairly soon, and the Desmo for the MTS isn't too far away so that's when they'll be used in anger.

UK Professional OBDs2 Tools Online Shop







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