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Yanhua ACDP Correct VW MQB RH850 R71F7014xx Mileage Guide

已有 250 次阅读2024-8-11 21:00 分享到微信


I have a VW dashboard with number R7F701407 3CN920 850B. Can I use Yanhua ACDP to correct mileage for it?

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EOBDTOOL.co.uk engineer replied:

Yes, Yanhua Mini ACDP with module 34 can support IMMO and mileage correction for VW MQB RH850 series R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701407 chip model 5A instruments and support mileage correction for RH850 series R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701404, R7F701406, and R7F701407 chip model 5C instrument.

As long as the CPU of 1407 is supported, no need to see the odometer number.

In the case of not disassembling the meter, do not know what the CPU is, can be judged by the odometer number.

Both MQB48 5A and MQB49 5C has 1407 dashboard. The menu is different, and the algorithm is also different.


Tips to tell 5A and 5C cluster:

The best way is to scan the key if you have one. If no keys, you can find out which is which by finding those little EEPROMS as on the picture.

EM = 5A: PCJ = 5C

Verify the chip on the board.

If it marks EM, then it is 5A dashboard.

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If it marks with PCJ, it is 5C cluster.

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There are connection diagrams in the Mini ACDP APP/software, just follow it to connect the corresponding interface board of Yanhua Module 34 to 1407 PCB and Yanhua ACDP2 correctly.

Lock fastening R7F701407 interface board installation guide:

1.Push all PCB lock fastening on the interface board to the unlock position.

Find the interface board installation area on the instrument, according to the visual positioning mark on the interface board.

2.Find the correct positioning holes of D1, D2, D3 on the instrument.

3.Check that the D1 and D2 positioning pins are completely aligned with the D1 and D2 positioning holes of the instrument, and ensure that the PCB lock buckle is completely aligned.

4.Finger down pressure interface board, push the PCB lock buckle to the Locked position to lock the interface board, installation is done.

5.Confirm again that the interface board D1, D2, D3 positioning pins are completely aligned with the D1, D2, D3 positioning holes of the instrument

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Mini ACDP APP menu function path:

Select VW>> VW MQB IMMO>> MQB49 (R7F7014xx 5C)>> ICP ODO (R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701407)>> Interface board number (i.e. R7F701401)

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Use Step mode to read ODO data, and save the data after reading

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Then use Auto mode to detect Pin, identify chip info, and then input the target mileage value

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Start to read DFLASH data, wipe the data and write the new data into the dashboard

Save the data

Mileage correction is complete

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The mileage on the dashboard is changed at the same time.

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