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VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide

已有 536 次阅读2024-8-7 03:15 分享到微信

Here are some good tools that support VW MQB RH850/V850 dashboard key programming or mileage correction. No need to cut wires or lift pins!


1.Yanhua ACDP2 with ACDP Module 34

  • Function:

1. Support IMMO and mileage correction for the 4th generation instrument with 70F3423+95320 chip model

2. Support IMMO and mileage correction for D70F3426+95128 chip model MQB 5A instrument

3. Support IMMO and mileage correction for RH850 series R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701407 chip model 5A instruments

4. Support mileage correction for RH850 series R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701404, R7F701406, R7F701407 chip model 5C instrument

  • Advantage:

No soldering, No need to pry up the chip pins, No capacitor removal, No soldering required to read and write data without damage.

  • Support dashboard numbers:


83A920700B, 83A920700, 8V0920740B, 81A920740L, 51G920640D, 55G920790, 2GD920790A, 5GD920790, 5NG920640C, 5NG920650C, 5ND920650C, 5NG920654, 2GG920640, 3GB920640,

3GB920790, 56G920790, 3VD920740B


3GB920640A, 3GB920640B, 3GB920640C, 3GD920640D, 19G920640B, 19G920640C, 19D920640B, 19D920640C, 17G920640A, 2GD920640B, 2GD920640C, 5GD920640D, 5ED920860C, 19G920650B, 19G920650C, 55G920650A, 55G920650B, 55G920650C, 5HG920340, 5HG920340A, 5HG920340B, 5HG920340C, 5NG920640D, 5NG920650D, 2GG920640A, 51G920640E


31G920850B, 18G920860B, 31G920850A, 18G920860A, 31G920850F, 34D920850C, 31G920850C, 34D920850E, 31G920860A, 34D920850G


5GG920640, 5GG920860, 5GG920860A, 5G0920861

Keep updating…




  • Function:

Support mileage correction for VW MQB V850 (D70Fxx)/RH850 (R7F7xx) dashboard

Require CG100X D1 Adapter

  • Advantage:

No need to cut wire or lift pins

Only the 5A cluster is supported by CG100X currently. You need to distinguish the 5A and 5C dashboard types.



3.Xhorse Multi- Prog/VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad

  • Multi-Prog+ VVDI2+ Xhorse XDMPR8GL MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter
  • Xhorse Key Tool Plus+ XHORSE XDNPR8GL MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter

Note: the adapters used for Multi-Prog Programmer and Key Tool Plus are different.

To read MQB RH850 clusters, you need to activate MQB license to the key tool plus. Multi prog has the MQB license built-in.



Read IMMO data

Make dealer key

Add new key


MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter Supported Dashboards:

WW 4th Gen Johnson Controls 34××series

MQB 34××series

MQB-RH850 (R7F) series


Xhorse Multi Prog+ VVDI2+ Xhorse XDMPR8GL MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-1

STEP 1: Connect devices, dashboard and PC

Run Multi- Prog software

Select Device>> dashboard number>> Detail

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-2

Check the connection diagram

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-3

Use a tweezer and heat gun to remove the 8 capacitors according to the diagram

Scrape the PCB mask before soldering the GND wire to the soldering point

Solder the wires of Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Cable to the corresponding position on the dashboard PCB

Secure the wires with acetate tape

Connect the MQB RH850/V850 Adapter to Multi-Prog Programmer, and connect the Multi-Prog and VVDI2 Programmer to the PC by USB cables separately

Don’t forget to connect the 12V power supply

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-4

STEP 2: Read chip data by Xhorse Multi Prog

After connection, select “Crack Reading” to decode the chip and read the chip data.

Save the file after reading

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-5

STEP 3: Read IMMO data, make dealer key and add key by Xhorse VVDI2

Run VVDI2 software and select “VW”

Select Key Learn>> MQB platform instrument immobilizer>> Instrument with locked NEC35xx (MQB48, VDO/JCI)

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-6

Select “Decode immodata”

Load the encrypted data

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-7

Save the IMMO data file after decoding

Use the IMMO data to make the dealer key and add the key.

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-8

VVDI Key Tool Plus+ XHORSE XDNPR8GL MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter

Support dashboard numbers:











In practical use, we need to enter the corresponding options and operate according to the instructions in the connecting diagram. In the subsequent steps, we will complete the operations of removing components, soldering the cable, connecting the cable and KEY TOOL PLUS, reading, calculating, etc.

Detailed operation guide:

Tap IMMO Programming>> VW>> Select by type>> MQB instrument immo system>> Instrument- MQB (VDO/JCI-NEC35xx lock)>> Start programming>> Programmer reads files>> Obtain immo data

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-9

STEP 1: Programmer reads files

Select Read NEC35xx/RH850 chip>> Wire bond>> the corresponding dashboard number

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-9

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-11

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-12

Follow the connection diagram to remove the components required, and use a tool to connect the cables of Xhorse MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter on the MQB chip, and then connect VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad and MQB-RH850 Adapter as well.

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-13

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-14

Make sure the Xhorse Adapter and chip are in good connection

Read and save the chip data file

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-15


STEP 2: Obtain immo data

Load the chip file just saved to calculate the IMMO data

It will take about 5-10 minutes to calculate according to the network situation. Just keep patient and wait until the process is completed.

After calculating the IMMO data, save the file.

The IMMO data can be used to generate dealer keys and for key learning with Key Tool Plus.

VW MQB RH850 V850 Dashboard Key Programming & Mileage Correction Guide_图1-16

Note: Some dashboards like D70F3426 also need to add additional operations to read EEPROM data.


In sum:

Xhorse supports MQB RH850 5A clusters IMMO programming. Need soldering and removing components.

Yanhua ACDP supports RH850 5A cluster IMMO & Mileage, 5C mileage function. It has a set of interface boards and does not lift pins, no wiring, no soldering.

CG100X only supports RH850 5A mileage repair, it cannot read IMMO data.

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