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How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?

热度 1已有 111 次阅读2024-7-31 04:56 分享到微信

Lonsdor released a new Lonsdor KH100+ Hand-Held Key Programmer. It’s blue, and newly added four remote keys and Indian cars TATA and Mahindra than the old Lonsdor KH100+ (grey). Except that, they support the same functions.

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-1

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-2

Advanced functions:

  • Identify copy
  • Chip simulation
  • Remote generation
  • Remote frequency
  • Access control key
  • Chip generation
  • Coil identification
  • Special function

Built-in super sensor to collect data (over-range data collection), exclusive support for 8A (H chip) generation, and comes with built-in WIFI module, can connect to the network at any time.


New Lonsdor KH100+ Key Programmer Registration Guide:

After booting the device, a WIFI connection is required to register and activate the device.

For the new user who uses this device for the first time, please prepare a common cell phone or email to help complete the registration and activation process.

1. Boot the device, and click “OK” to enter the registration activation process.

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-3

2. Select Register/Activate>> Register verification code

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-4

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-5

3. Click “OK” to search and set WiFi

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-6

4. Select an available WiFi and enter the password to connect

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-7

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-8

5. Select “New user”

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-9

Input an E-mail or mobile number and a 6-digit password

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-10

Check your email or cell phone to get the verification code. It’s valid for 10 mins.

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-11

Input the verification code received

Then it will show “Login succeeded”

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-12

6. Confirm to bind the current device

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-13

7. After binding, the New Lonsdor KH100 Plus Key Programmer will boot automatically, and then you can perform the available functions.

How to Register 2024 Lonsdor KH100+ Blue Version?_图1-14


For the users who have already registered Lonsdor’s product before, you can directly choose

[Registered user] to activate the account.


Video guide:








发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

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