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KESS3 Master Car LCV OBD-Bench-Boot Protocols Activation

已有 351 次阅读2024-7-23 20:47 分享到微信

Dear new and old customers,

Alientech is releasing a big sale for KESS V3 ECU Programmer now.

Purchase KESS3 Master Version and Car LCV OBD-Bench-Boot Protocols Activation at about 50% off! 

Valid date: from July 22nd to August 31st, 2024!

Don’t miss it!


1.If you have bought a KESS3 Master Version, you can buy Full Car LCV (OBD-Bench-Boot) Protocols Activation at €2,990 (€5,809).

Protocols including:

KESS3 Master Car LCV OBD-Bench-Boot Protocols Activation_图1-1


This is optional license for KESS 3 hardware, no need shipping.

No cancellation or refund service will be accepted.


2.If you haven’t bought a KESS3 Master Version, you can buy KESS 3 Master Version with Car LCV Bench-Boot & Car - LCV OBD Full Protocols Activation and One Year Subscription at €3,690 (€5,999).

KESS3 Master Car LCV OBD-Bench-Boot Protocols Activation_图1-2

KESS3 Highlights:

  • OBD Tuning
  • Bench/Boot Tuning
  • Upgradable from Slave to Master
  • Separate Car, Motorcycle, Truck/Tractor, Agricultural and Marine Protocols
  • Works with some existing KESS V2 cables for old models
  • Uses Alientech Suite
  • Upgraded Cable Set
  • Superfast Checksum Calculations
  • 10x Faster Processing
  • Multi-language: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Portuguese
  • One year subscription for free activation
  • Kess 3Update Feature--DynoDrive: DynoDrive is an advanced feature, exclusive to Alientech Suite and KESS3, which allows for calculating and verifying performance while driving a vehicle.


*One-year hardware warranty, no returns or exchanges.

*For any product questions, you can contact the official website technology directly.

*If buy the device from us, you can only activate license/sub. from us. You cannot buy license from other distributors. Vise versa.

*When the subscription expires, your tool still works. But without the latest software updates and online support from Alientech.



When purchasing Alientech KESS V3 ECU Programmer, at least one software protocol is required. The basic version cannot function without licenses and is not sold separately! Upon purchasing a protocol you will receive software updates and free technical support and for a year. The subscription is renewed for an annual fee in the future.

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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